To answer your hypothetical, yes, a thick book would likely stop a BB or a pellet (which are two different projectiles). However, a BB would likely pop back at the shooter off a hard surface at close range.
To answer your hypothetical, yes, a thick book would likely stop a BB or a pellet (which are two different projectiles). However, a BB would likely pop back at the shooter off a hard surface at close range.
Yes. I know because we used to test pistols by shooting them into phone books.
Yes, and because the pistol itself, unloaded, weighs almost 5 lbs which is just next level stupid.
I think I remember in previous articles they did some target testing to see if it would work and it did. But for some reason during their “testing” they used a different book at different distance and possibly even a different bullet or gun. So pretty much a huge fail all around for science.
Buying a .50 cal Desert Eagle is a major sign of stupidity in the first place.
lack of education. If a persons only education on guns and bullets is video games and movies, then yea they probably have no idea how powerful these things are.
Dumber than a sack of mule dicks. Walked out of a store with a brand new Desert Eagle regardless.
She should be given a cash reward for removing a defective set of DNA from the potential gene pool.
They could keep the auto-ban though and have the review process for if you think you’ve been wrongly banned. So, you get an email saying you were banned for violating the terms of service, then in the email it says something like “click here if you feel this has been in error and it will be reviewed by our team.”…
Spot on.
so... this is good, right?
Amazon makes their own puffer down jackets now, because of course they do, and the entire line is on sale today for…
Because a lot of his base literally believes God made Trump win. That’s why. So no matter what he does that’s anti-Christian, he’s still God’s choice.
It was tacky and I’m amazed that people aren’t ripping that program apart more than they are. It was gross and I instantly got mad whenever they came on.
I totally love Yevgenia Medvedeva’s tragic Russian themes. She’s Russian and she’s not afraid to show it! Her free skate this year is to Anna Karenina, complete with train whistles.
I almost choked on my dinner watching the CBC cover it. Kurt Browning calmly narrating the absolutely ridiculous storyline of the dance. And the bizarre hand spasms. Was it related to the blindness?
For a second I thought you meant she was literally a blind ice dancer and that made me so happy. There are some really incredible blind ballroom dancers who get around the floor just fine. No reason blind people can’t do partner dance in particular. But no....
When Lipinski quietly said into the mic, “She is blind, and he is showing her the world,” I said “NOOOOOPE.” so loud, one of my kids got out of bed to investigate.
I honestly couldn’t say. I’m looking at the TES breakdowns right now and it doesn’t have a maximum score lifted, but does give the 4-1 difficulty ranking of all the elements which were all the same except the Shibs had a lift that was a 3 instead of a 4, but since the 4-ranking lifts are all based on hip grabs I’m…