
I would be interested in how the regression therapists deal with the likelihood that there are more people alive today than have ever lived before. Or, even if that isn’t fully accurate (its hard to calculate), there are definitely more people alive today than survived past infancy in the past. With that in mind,

My situation is kind of a flip on the last letter. Wife and I have been together for quite some time, I have been doing everything in my power to spice things up. Costumes, wigs, funny sexual letters, silly shit, spontaneity, etc. My wife just seems totally satisfied with vanilla sex, even after ten years, but I’m a

right? i mean call us when she wants to talk about karlie.

How are they suppose to sue Gawker?

She does. I just ran to the Root before my head exploded. Thank Meghan.

People fetishize the past to be so much more brutal but it isn’t true. Killing all prisoners is an early modern thing.

Robert Baratheon conquered and didn’t kill prisoners. In fact, Selmy refused to bend the knee and was injured and Robert insisted his own maester heal him and kept him safe.

Tarly wasn’t xenophobic the Dothraki are an invading army known for raping and pillaging. It’s not just propaganda it’s true. These aren’t refugees they are an invasion force.

Is anything about her past a fact?:

“Go find someone to have a mediocre life with.”is the sentence I will use in all future breakups from now on.

Let’s be’s literally a great, reasonable reason for a divorce when one parent wants to bring another living, breathing human being into your relationship and the other one does not.

I’m curious...what would the compromise be? Half a child that they share with another family?

thank you. jesus. I wish they’d get someone who actually pays attention to the show to do these reviews.

Seriously, did HBO air two different versions of this show last night?

Still, it was a bad move. Daenerys had just been complaining twenty minutes earlier about their lack of rations after they sacked King’s Landing, and rather than take out the regimen and take the spoils of war, she burns it all to the ground. Winter is here. Winter lasts an indeterminate amount of time, and she

She is so incredibly entitled and is on a total power trip. I doubt they will do it, but I would love for them to go in a “Mad Queen” direction with her. The Targaryens ruled Westeros for ages and did a generally pretty shitty job of it, it would be such a disappointment to see them back on the Iron Throne again in

Julianne is either continuously trolling us or she needs her recap card revoked, besause every GOT recap usually has at minimum 100 words dedicated to an obviously false plot point. Maybe instead of researching the melting point of gold, she could rewatch the episode and listen to the dialogue?

i think i dont like the type of shows that use laugh tracks anymore. the camera stuff doesnt bother me- it’s just easier to clasify these shows as “multi cam sitcoms.” it’s kind of hard to pin down exactly what the issue is, because like i said, i can rewatch episodes of older shows with them. i think to me it makes

I have met several children from orphanages and slums in my third world country. If you show them a wad of cash and tell them to pretend to take it, they will hope they get to keep it.

Agreed. It’s kinda fucked up either way. Since it doesn’t take that much by our standards, I’d feel more OK with it if she/the production company did something for the families of all the kids who auditioned. All the kids who didn’t get the part got a glimpse or a taste of something more, but then just got sent back