Political lesbians are those who are lesbians not by reason of physical attraction, but for political reasons — including the idea that sleeping with men is an inherently anti-feminist act.
Political lesbians are those who are lesbians not by reason of physical attraction, but for political reasons — including the idea that sleeping with men is an inherently anti-feminist act.
Yea - she’d always been the one more willing to kill in the comic books (Straczynski, Azzarello, etc.). And it’s a big point of contention in the Justice League since Batman has that, “No Kill” policy (Injustice). She definitely has the highest body count in Infinite Crisis.
I personally like that WW has anger issues…
What do you mean? Steve Trevor has been Wonder Woman’s love interest pretty much since there’s been a Wonder Woman.
Sure. Even a consensual decision can still being a terrible decision where people are likely to get hurt. We allow people to do all sorts of stupid and dangerous and potentially hurtful things if they consent to doing them. But a relationship between a professor and student is never ethical, smart, or morally correct…
This is exactly what irked me. There’s absolutely this idea in people’s heads that rape is for men that “can’t get any.”
“Because it’s not the place of the modder to be concerned with the legality of a person’s product.”
That’s a problem with mods in general, though, not specifically in regard to piracy. If the mod includes generally executable components, like dlls, or the scripting of the engine allows it, what assurance do you have that the mod author isn’t doing something nefarious like deleting files on your computer or stealing…
...the possibility of people who legitimately bought the game being mistakenly affected.
It doesn’t matter if the contract is illegitimate, that’s not for us to concern ourselves with. It’s a contract between those two parties, not those two parties and us by association.
He isn’t violating anything on the person’s computer.
You could just force close the game and remove the mod to get rid of the license loop.
There isn’t anything particularly malicious about it or destructive.
I don’t necessarily think tying a mod to a volatile DRM service that can ruin a game if the service goes down/player loses connection to the game is a good thing.
“but don’t some people get really judgey towards those who RSVP “no” to relatives’ weddings?”
Right, because an inside baseball political joke when thousands of people are now at risk of dying is a really savvy move.
I’m so fucking furious that they sang like that. How dare you fucking treat this like a joke, and focus on the fact that these fuckers will (hopefully) lose their seats in the midterms. People will fucking DIE because of this legislation, and you’re gloating because you think it will help you politically down the…
Well...I mean it’s not like this already hasn’t been the case. It’s just the mask coming off really. We’ve been propping up dictators and supporting nations with atrocious human rights records for decades to look out for US economic interest. Erdogan, Saudi Arabia, and Duterte are just the modern versions of Pol Pot,…
No, the people who ran in the Democratic primary WEREN’T forgettable. I mean, ask fucking Bernie Sanders! But the people who DID run against her in the primary were brave as all hell, because if she had won, they were sealing their political death warrants.
Trump had so much baggage none of it could stick. Media would do a story about the contractors he stiffed, or Trump U or his rape episodes etc and in the interest of fairness immediately do a story on emails and Benghazi.
Clinton had the same nonsense scandal daily making it seem greater than it was and Trump had a…
I know. How fucking dare the most qualified candidate run. And how fucking dare her colleagues think that now isn’t the best time to run. And how dare women get excited that this is first chance that they could actually have a president that is a woman after centuries of men, especially when countries that we see as…
For restaurants, yes. But the Michelin Pussy Guide actually goes up to 8 stars. But most only get 3 at most, so 5 is really good. Their only 8 Star pussy ever was this woman in rural Japan who lived in this shack that only locals (and REALLY cool tourists) knew about. Sadly, it closed in 1998.