
Yeah, I understand there are character limits in the headlines, but BOTH the parents were shot - and, as you said, the father was probably injured much more severely - so it's strange to omit the father from the headline entirely in favor of alerting us to the presence of a fetus. (Also smacks of the classic "women's

Fetus > No longer a fetus. That's just science.

"Did somebody order a pizza?" doesn't count as exposition.

Porn encourages rape culture. End of fucking story. Anyone else who says differently is 100% delusional. Stop bubble wrapping the issue with your stupid empowerment/sex positivity bullshit.

And Amish and Mennonites. Shakers (a Quaker subset) died out becuase they were celebate.

This exactly. I honestly believe MRAs are sad, pathetic, misogynistic man-children. I honestly believe Storm Front denizens are disgustingly racist assholes. That wouldn't make me any less of a troll if I started frequenting their forums to tell them this ad nauseam.

Seems like it. It was a douche-off, and ended tragically for a little child, and now the douches just get a pass. Like always.

Look, if they had done the same to the white child, the cop would be off the force. I do not understand people who think that white lives matter ONLY if black lives do not. If we do not ALL STAND UP TOGETHER when a child is killed what hope is there?

Agreed. X-Art is awesome.

And I want to see MALE bodies!! And their faces! Their "O" faces!!

well no, but the problem here on jezebel is that it's basically not allowed to be critical about stripping, prostitution, pornography, although these topics are clearly everything else than free from misogyny...of course things are complicated, but the "it's her free choice" blends out the entire cultural and

That may just be the case, but if it's professionally made porn that's just a movie plot, part of the fantasy. In amateur porn well, there's at least 50/50 chance someone could be forced.

Unfortunately the police now regularly use SWAT teams just to serve (no-knock) warrants, even for fairly minor offenses. This is why SWAT teams can now be found even in extremely rural areas, when they used to be only found in large cities. Needless to say, the number of citizens killed in these situations has

I am pretty sure that's exactly what happened and, frankly, I'm surprised it hasn't happened before. Who watches this shit anyway? At it's best, these cop shows are just spectacles where people get to make fun of those crazy poors. At worst, it's police state porn where everyone gets to watch the "good guys" go all

Yeah, I really, really hope that's not it. Even if I think that is the case

Well, of course. Black people aren't real. We're magical characters who can turn into demons instantly! So, it's no big deal to kill one of us for American entertainment purposes.

They made the parents sit on the sofa where their daughter had just been killed? That's movie villain-levels of sadism

So because these assholes wanted to make a spectical for the cameras, a child is dead. And per usual, nobody is paying the price. This shit is so sad man.

Yup. Science has created miracle juice to prevent a host of horrible illnesses, but some guy on the internet says it's bad.