
But you can't equate the two. At all. One woman walking down the street to work can in no way be comparable to a woman walking a catwalk in a bikini (or less) while people put bills in her g-string. Even if they both happen to be the same woman. Regardless of what our underlying culture is or is not these are two

Trust me, I'm at heart a no-fun second-wave Dworkin-esque feminist and in my daytime hours I am liable to obsess over the problematic nature of ANY kind of sexual objectification.

This screenshot looks like "Hotline Miami: Victorian edition"

Whoa there, according to the UK that's a life-threatening activity!

Try reading the Psalms.

...I know the Vikings would hang people and/or animals after battle as a sacrifice to Odin, but I think that was more of a "thanks, one-eyed skydad!" than a "worship the right gods or we'll kill you."

What. The. Hell. Polite guest masturbation is why God created houses with indoor plumbing and locks on the door.

Well if it really is German, I think it'd be something like "de-KLAHM-murn-oit-chuh-KLAHM-murn-four-chuh."

Definitely not ok if it's not someone you're not already having sex with. Regular house guests just have to go in the bathroom if they need to take care of business.

Absolutely not. "Don't be an asshole" is an incredibly novel attitude for religions. Most of the big religions actually started basically on the "give me money/fine things or else God(s) will kill you in your sleep, and there's a good chance they'll kill you in your sleep anyways" premise.

Yeah, the whole first half of the bible is basically, "worship God or die. Painfully."
Of course, it's the second half that then comes around to the "don't be an asshole" idea, but that's more of an expansion pack, not the original.

I think that's the "made in the same image" part. Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Which always leads me to question why only her? I mean, apparently humans don't have to have a sacrifice in order to be cleansed of their sins. It also raises the very uncomfortable notion that there was no consent on her part to being impregnated by God as she was specifically conceived for that purpose. (Outside of

Why non-clerical?

I just do not understand how he's making the leap from "men must be allowed to pee standing up" to "peeing standing up means they can't be held accountable for making a mess." Like do we even need to start listing all the things you have a "right" to do in your home that can still lead to property damage and the loss

As someone learning German, these are some of my favourites so far

Purely based on my own experience and reflecting my own opinion here.

Approved activities for Hope Solo:

That's alot of hoopah!