I feel so cool to know what immiscible means!
I feel so cool to know what immiscible means!
[committees.jsce.or.jp] seems they were pretty prepared.
They already had some of the most advanced disaster proofing there is. It's just unfortunate that they are in a disaster prone area :/. It's not like they can relocate the plants somewhere else like we could.
[www.youtube.com] So true.
You obviously haven't had any science/engineering classes. The metric system is soooo much easier to use.
I don't know why they don't call up the japanese navy..
Ahh more of a reason to kick back after a mission and have a nice bottle of vodka. Ethanol is a stronger binder to alcohol dehydrogenase than ethylene glycol.
Lol. I just hope medicaid doesn't cover it for people who smoke.
Lol. I just hope medicaid doesn't cover it for people who smoke.
As long as smokers do not receive insurance benefits for receiving this implant in x years, then I'm happy. It could have great benefit for people suffering other diseases, like cystic fibrosis as someone mentioned previously. I just do not think it should be a get out of jail free card for smokers who not only hurt…
As long as smokers do not receive insurance benefits for receiving this implant in x years, then I'm happy. It could have great benefit for people suffering other diseases, like cystic fibrosis as someone mentioned previously. I just do not think it should be a get out of jail free card for smokers who not only hurt…
I liked the movi...cutscenes in MGSIV!
Dear everyone, sorry for being such a rabble rouser haha. Our two groups (right/left, whatever) will never agree mainly because of the fundamental difference in beliefs about what government is for. Some may argue that the government is there to protect its people and to "help" them. Others, including me, believe that…
You can't do anything these days without angering a group of people.
Where are your refs, eh? What, in your opinion, do you use to assess whether or not something was "successful"?
Craigslist is a great place to get homebrew kits! I bought mine for $75 and I got a glass 6gal carboy, 5 gal brew pot, 5 gal plastic fermenter, and all the other necessary goodies! Great deals on craigs :). I was searching on there for a friend and found someone selling an all plastic setup for $5 lol. My friend was…
I see, would you like me to list some of the failed programs? I bet you my list would be longer :).