
That city reminds me of Midgar for some reason, yay Square Enix!!

@Baraka_Obama: I think the main difference is Doom 3 is more of a classic FPS; whereas, Dead Space has more of a survival horror feel.

@moonshadowkati: like $3.4 million to create an underground turtle tunnel, or eco-passage, in Lake Jackson, Florida.

@whmr: Bahh I was literally about to post this haha link copied and all! Great video!

Mark Papermaster is Apple's 2%

#4 aww I was going to do something like this! My drawing would not be anything compared to yours though.. I draw at a 1 year old level.

Explosive crossbow...ftw!

@Gary_7vn: Have you heard of the Frozen Dead Guy Days in Nederland, CO? They've had this dead guy frozen for 20 years or something. Every March they have a huge festival! I went last year :).

@Ryan_Long: Seems to be delayed due to light leakage from his chest-mounted arc reactor.

@jblues: Or maybe George Lucas is keeping something from us....

@Phrosty: Scare the crap out of someone at a birthday party by popping their balloons from a mile away.

@SkelatorDan: I'm with you..I was so excited when I read they stopped the flow!

I wonder how many of the pictures on the internet have such misunderstood contexts like this..

Giz should do a side-by-side review of the Q book pro vs the mac book pro!