Serious Gord

It's ridiculous to look at just the US - surely you know that. The US is an exporter of many of those vehicles. Is the US a more wasteful country because it produces more cars per capita than Norway or Finland - countries that make nil cars but lots of ships. You have to look at the issue globally.

Wrong again. There are approximately 140mm births per year and only 60mm cars produced.

Bollocks. The world has plenty of room and resources. Cars are also lasting far longer than a few decades ago and are made in much more recycled fashion. People who have the means to own a car have fewer kids. We need more cars not fewer in order to save the world.

This is the kind of road I drive on pretty regularly with similar traffic congestion:

Looking at the ghiblis pricing and equipment I'd say that its competition is the regular flavor 5 series, e-class, and a6 - in their more premium option loads.

Wil E Coyote never ever died.

Exactly. And BTW slate was created by uber lefty Michael Kinsley and is owned by the far left Washington post (which had democrat ownership until recently). So their is publisher bias to be considered as well.

Do your homework. Statoil netted 78 billion krone - not dollars. That's about 12.5 bb$ us.

True. However the best and cheapest way to generate electricity - it also has the smallest spark gap - iow plants can be located very close to where the demand is - even downtown newyork - is natural gas. And it will be the best option for the new couple hundred years.

That may be so, but mgbs weren't made to rust they were made OF it. That and they leaked and shorted etc etc.

4th - there should be no such thing allowed until they truly get serious about the safety of all users of public roads by banning motorcycles and bicycles.

Hate the rectangular headlights.

My brother and my brother in law both had one. Awful, awful driving vehicle. A dodge caravan had far better driving dynamics.

First lets get some clarity on what constitutes a minivan.

Could be worse - could be cinder blocks.

It's because of Obama and his enablers that you have worry as much about fuel cost as much as you do.

You do realize that as a jalop participant you are a part of a very small group. That you are the fringe. That attendees of Trekkie conventions are more numerous?

Versus forty years ago? Non-existent.

Tell that to espn viewers. And compare that to college football or NFL preseason. 250000 for one event is a drop in the ocean comparatively speaking

Can't speak for Europe, but in NA the answer is No. F1 continues to fade into oblivion in terms of mindshare. At least during schu's reign most people in NA had heard his name. Now I dare say many X game contestants are known by more people.