
I went through a similar quarter life crisis recently and ended up getting into Korean skincare in a big way. The Korean 12 step routine has gotten a lot of attention in American media lately and the articles all claim that Korea is 10 years ahead of the USA in skincare technology (though we are ahead in makeup). I’m

So I’ve got my Roth IRA in an index fund that’s targeted toward the year I’ll supposedly retire (2050). However, it’s been doing a lot worse than a similar Vanguard index fund I’m in. It scores well on the Lipper categories of expense and tax efficiency, but gets the lowest possible score on returns and preservation.

Spring is my favorite season, and I tend to get a little overexcited for it. After a year of pretty frugal living, I just dropped $200 on skincare and makeup products. I feel a little bad about it, but I got a ton of great bargains, and in the end I'm ok with waiting another $200 worth of earning time for that house

Wouldn’t that be to flout the law?

You still have to pay taxes that fund public schools even if you also spring for private school, yes? Or are you talking about moving the whole family because of a shitty school situation?

Search for Sonic Boom alarm clocks on Amazon - they've got a little vibrating bullet thing that you put under your pillow that's meant to shake you awake. Might be worth a try, if audial alarms don't work for you.

Any advice on introducing a new cat to our current cat? We're thinking of adopting another one soo, probably a young adult. Our current cat is also a young adult, and is just a little bit...twitchy. We're hoping an outgoing cat could help socialize her a bit more.

Check out Poe's Tobacco by Tokyomilk. I love it. :)

You did? That's fascinating. Would you mind sharing more about your experience?

I've never wanted to kick a firefighter's ass as much as I do right now.

"Even more harrowing, the victim claims that her attacker had drugged her and married her while drugged in 2013, meaning that even her marriage itself wouldn't have been consensual."

Why did the boat sink? What's the connection between sick kid and sinking boat?

This sounds intriguing. How do you sell real estate in a communist dystopia? Did the concept of private land ownership survive?

...What does any of this have to do with politics?

In what world is a shortened torso a good thing? My torso is short enough as it is.

For the first time, singles and pairs skaters will be allowed to perform competitively to music with audible lyrics.

My friends and I are doing an anti-prom Magic: the Gathering draft on Valentines Day. This consists of sitting around in formal outfits eating pizza and playing Magic while slow-dance jams from the 90s play from behind a crepe-festooned closed door.

I just bought a used "like new" copy on Amazon for $5 including shipping.

Heh, no worries. I can see now that I'm talking to a fellow game geek. :)
I'll keep thinking about it, and I'll let you know if I stumble upon anything.

Ah, yeah, that makes sense. The only thing I can think of in that case is last year's Forza game, which had a surprisingly robust open world component to it. I think you could get out of your car and walk around? You probably already know about that one though, heh. I find it really charming that your kid wants to