
I agree with you, but most small devs have very little choice but to sell the rights to their IP to be able to get their product out the door. The relationship between the dev and the publisher is not by any means equal, and a first-time developer will almost certainly have to give up rights to their IP regardless of

Yep, that's pretty much the case. The return policies for used games are a lot more lax than for new games.

Dude, thank you for turning me onto those. I just watched all of them and they are the funniest things I've seen in a while.

I refuse to feel like an illiterate ingrate because I no longer buy physical books. Since I bought my Kindle I've been reading way more than I have in years. Take that, crotchety old person.

I knew that I wouldn't get a chance to battle it out with Marlowe, even though I really wanted to. She got a Disney villain death because she's a woman, and there's a serious taboo against portraying violence toward women in the Western gaming tradition.


Dude, what? I'm just saying, in your post you listed a bunch of stereotypical support roles that females usually play in games, and tried to use that as a reason why females wouldn't make good protagonists. A protagonist needs depth, and most of the time women in games are written really one-dimensionally. There's no

You're just averse to the roles females generally play in games, not the notion of a female protagonist itself. There's absolutely no reason why they couldn't design a female player that doesn't play to those tired stereotypes.

For any Jezzies that are interested, I found this site that will decant 1 oz samples of any of the Tokyo Milk perfumes. You can get 5 samples for $14.

Are you sure there aren't a couple more laughably obvious stereotypes you could cram into this worthless post?

No love for Chip and Dale: Rescue Rangers? That's the very first one that came to mind when I saw the headline. It's so damn catchy.

Actually, it just makes me happy that kids from the US won the championship. I'm always reading all these dire articles about how we're falling behind the rest of the world in math and science.

Thank you. I came on this thread specifically to make sure someone mentioned this book. :)

What are the odds that they will make this available for download on the Xperia Play? Or, for that matter, make anything available for download on the Xperia Play? Seriously, it's getting silly.

Oh, NPH, no.... Say it isn't so...

For me, the entirely of human history has been a struggle to reach the point where we don't have to butcher our own meat. There might be some other stuff in there about justice and art and so on, but the meat thing is a big one for me.

After a while I wanted the effects to stop so I could take a better look at that castle. It was seriously impressive.

I have a question that someone here might be able to answer: does the reopening of the PlayStation store mean that there will FINALLY be some new releases for the Xperia Play? I've got one of those things and it's been the same questionable lineup of GameLoft casual games and other games I've never heard of since I

Oh man, I used to love Indian Princesses. Haven't thought about or heard them mentioned in years.

I actually thought that religions like Buddhism and Hinduism were way more okay with showing depictions of their deities than the Judeo-Christian religions are. Might it just be a combination of an extreme Hindu faction and a slow news day, or is this really a prevalent thing?