
@herogear: My goodness. The guy used one anecdotal example of a small publisher to talk about making smaller games for smaller audiences. What's more, I agree with him. A larger publishing house DOES need to appeal to as large a chunk of the population as possible in order to sell their mega-expensive AAA game. He's

Wow. Whoever made this could make SO MUCH MONEY by making a line of them. Charge like $600 each and retire.

@Jackie Yoshi: First of all, thanks for reviving a post that I thought was dead. It was pretty interesting so I'm glad I have a chance to post to it again.

I know so many old people who claim that the only video game character they know is Pac Man. This is sad. It's definitely people like this who are keeping Pac Man afloat.

Can someone please tell me: is this a preorder bonus? Do I need to buy it from a certain store, or from the XSEED website? I really want to get this for my sister's birthday, but a Google search was ineffective.

@ninjikiran: Exactly. RPGS need to learn how to communicate their stories through gameplay, rather than those interminable cutscenes. I mean, I love my RPGS, but I think cutscenes are going the way of the Quicktime event.

As cool as this sounds, and as much as I value great story in games, I don't know if I can bring myself to play this. I mean, I cry during the Lion King when Mufasa dies. Every time. I just know that I'll be miserable throughout the game because I empathize way TOO much with the characters.

@ninjikiran: You're right as far as book to movie adaptations are concerned. But that's only because movie adaptations are forced to cram a whole book's worth of content into 1 1/2 - 2 hours. With a game, the time investment is much greater, so the developer can include a lot more content. Not to say that

What the heck is wrong with the guard in that picture? Did he suffer blunt force trauma to the head or something?

@Krauza: Ah. So porn is natural for males, but an abomination in females? How do you feel about the men in those videos?

@Krauza: So you've watched her porn videos and still feel like you can take the arrogant moral high ground?

@dracosummoner: He's kidding. He's pretty clearly kidding.

@voidburger: Mkay. The fact that you refer to yourself as a GrRrL gAmR first made me laugh hysterically, then revealed your true colors as pretty much a rabid feminist. It's not that I don't agree with some of what you're saying, but the complete vitriol you used to describe what was meant to be a light-hearted column

So Nintendo's executive vp of sales and marketing is complaining that a DS game didn't get enough marketing? Um...isn't that HER job?

That's a pretty narrow-minded thing to say. Isn't Kingdom Hearts one of the most successful collaborations between East and West ever? Aren't a bunch of Western gamers already fans of Japanese games? It seems like a collaboration between Japanese and Western game developers would be one of the most natural fusions

@Witzbold: Nah, man. Part of keeping in your own little bubble is making sure no one else can see what you're doing. That's why all bookstores will put any book you buy into a plain brown paper cover. Japanese people need to make their own privacy.

@Maakies: I seriously heard the Zelda sound when I read this. Awesome.

@yourmom2161: Definitely agree. Even if it's just lip service, it's really nice to hear a CEO talk about innovation and new IP in a way that's actually encouraging, unlike the flippant way Kotick dismisses any game he can't exploit multiple times a year.