
Ugh. Tried to upload our awesome B movie box art for Spacewolves! and failed. Anyone have any advice? Size cap, file type or something? #pennyarcadescholarship

To anyone who is interested or curious about Spacewolves!:

Even worse than multiplayer being shoehorned into a game that doesn't need it is the recent tendency to have ONLY online multiplayer. Most of the fun of multiplayer is local- trash-talking your friends, eating chips, 'accidentally' unplugging their controllers, etc. It's just not the same over a headset, and it's a

@Phydeaux: Oh yeah, sorry about that. If you scroll down a bit you'll be able to see exactly who I'm referring to. It's not meant to be a mystery. #pennyarcadescholarship

This is a thread about an article, not your personal soapboxes. If you feel the need to take silly, long-winded jabs at one another, take it to a private forum. No one else wants to see the two of you comparing size. #pennyarcadescholarship

Kotaku people, please approve me! I can use grammar properly and am not a troll. People seem to like me because I'm polite and I'm rarely late. #pennyarcadescholarship

I think the several dozen posts about trolling/not trolling are detracting from the actual article, i.e., how awesome Kyla Gorman is. I'm in the USC program with her, I was one of the two others that worked on Spacewolves (even space isn't safe...from wolves) and I'm not really interested in reading a text wall of