
Watching these clips only reassured me that bailing out on this series after the first episode was a very wise choice.

Absolutely. The fetishization of war in COD absolutely blows my mind. They’re more like propaganda than video games.

Counter-point: No. It’s free speech and the government should never regulate what private citizens can or cannot buy (EDIT: When it comes to media) regardless of age. All ratings boards are voluntary for a reason.

Oh those poor Gamergate CHUDS must be really conflicted now that their glorious leader is pulling a Jack Thompson.

The thing to remember is that unlike a game like Overwatch, fighting games are solo affairs, so losing causes a greater amount of salt. You could have the same win-loss ratio in both games and the losses in the fighter will sting more.

the irony of your post is that the more single player you play the worse you get at the multiplayer

SAO: Abridged does this in spades. It’s one of the few times where I’ve watched a parody and it was legitimately a far better show than the original, and not just from a comedic standpoint. Kirito actually had character development!

If there’s one anime that could actually benefit from another pass and a few changes to improve it, this would be it. Tone down the harem stuff, give the actual SAO part of the story room to breathe, and you’ve got a stew going.

Two things...

Shit talk is a huge part of fighting games, regardless of talent level. Trust me when I say that Punk has proven that he can back it up. He doesn’t always win (and doesn’t always lose flatteringly), but there’s no doubt he’s an extremely talented player.

Excellent points. I hadn’t really considered it, but I realize now that I felt the exact same way. I mean, Shep’s emotional investment in Commander Bailey alone... And the council, after she (FemShep forever) went through all that trouble to save them from Udina/Kai Lang — setting aside whether you also saved them in

They’re becoming more of a thing, e-sports bars. As e-sports grow, so will the number of people looking for a bar to watch games in. There’s one near where I live that has dozens of computers, consoles, and board games, acting as both internet cafe (aww, remember them?) and e-sports bar.

Mass Effect’s Citadel was the best hub world I’ve ever seen in a game.


I’ve been jonesing for an open world sci-fi game for a while now, so looking forward to this

I think the more anime someone has watched, to the point where it looks like they are excluding other mediums, the less I would respect their opinion on whether a show is good or not. I don’t want to know whether something is good anime, I want to know whether it’s a good show.

I’m more interested what he thinks about the cops that worship the Punisher and put his logo on their cop cars. That’s the most horrifying one for me.

Alpha 2 and Alpha 3 are completely different games, Hyper Fighting and Super Turbo are completely different. All four of those games are played to this day as separate games at tournaments.

lol I only read this deep into the thread because he’s responding to me. Solidarity, my friend.