
You mean a Superman who is a deadbeat dad who uses his powers to stalk Lois in the creepiest way possible? No. Nothing will ever suck harder than Superman Returns.

How you gon' make an article about The Rock and completely not include The Rundown? Bar none probably one of his best movies.

To the untrained eye, it may look boring, but in reality, what you're seeing is world class mindgames, character mastery, and strategy at work.

"Injustice is so focused on projectile warfare and quick jumping that some players have said that the game does not have footsies at all."

Those same players have either not been watching the game for the past year, or they're just hopelessly bad at it. The truth is that a new game on a new engine almost always feels

Reason To Watch: The most over-the-toppest game of superheroes and video game characters where everything does billions of damage and everything is awesome and no one knows what is happening.

Yeah, I found this weird until I remembered I routinely never touch the single player for some FPSes I play.

2,000 people didn't enter the USF4 tournament at EVO 2014 to play the single-player modes.

The praise for SF4 mostly comes from the competitive scene, which obviously focuses far more on multiplayer than singleplayer modes. Said scene cares a great deal about balance updates, since what seem like minor changes to most people can affect high-level play drastically. New characters, even when technically a

He's just remembering that time he let his dad die for no reason in that super.slow.moving. tornado.

The Irony of fox news co-opting a logo from a game that is against bigotry, xenophobia, closed borders and blind religious zealotry is just too good to spoil.

This is the most ignorant post about FGC and competitive fighting games I have ever read.

Uh...Belle shouldn't be wearing Gaston's crap.

Now playing

For those wondering who'd win in a fight, Deathbattle already covered this, and I think they did a good job.

Marvel can't do squat about how Spiderman ultimately turns out. Sony owns the film rights and has its own vision for him. All you can do is not go see the movies and convince others not to see the Sony and FOX movies (X-Men, Fantastic Four. Then, just hope the rights revert to Marvel again.

I fear this show will suffer the same problem as Agents of SHIELD that people expect Batman the TV series but not really.

There must be much in life that remains unfathomable to you.

"Yes, because they are not legally investors."

It was a pretty narrow victory, though. It bothers me that people only barely didn't vote EA as a worse company than TWC. Not as much as if they had voted it worse, of course, but still.

Honestly I agree with this. EA is terrible, but after having worked at Walmart for the past 3 years and knowing what they do behind the scenes? Yeah I do believe they are worse than EA by a long shot.