Fair. I mostly know him from the Garth Ennis run, but of course character’s morals often fluctuate somewhat with the writers.
Fair. I mostly know him from the Garth Ennis run, but of course character’s morals often fluctuate somewhat with the writers.
The Punisher is a character I *really* like. The Garth Ennis run is one of my all time favs.
These days....I’m finding it harder and harder to justify the character’s existence.....
He kills people *he* judges to be guilty though. That’s the problem.
Not trying to defend the punisher since in the real world he’d be a morally repugnant monster, but:
I’m not sure this is really accurate. During the Garth Ennis run at least he had a pretty hardcore rule *against* killing cops. There was one instance he even did a shakedown on one who was kind of shady and was abusing…
“Look, I know you’re grinding through freshman year right now. It’s a tough time. You want to impress a bunch of people and sound smart while doing it.”
If I could find someone who has competed in esports to argue that esports are sports would that influence your opinion at all?
Of course not, nor should it. Its nothing but an appeal to authority.
Wish I could edit, but seriously, lets flip this argument:
If I could find someone who has competed in esports to argue that esports are sports would that influence your opinion at all?
Of course not, nor should it. Its nothing but an appeal to authority.
“So the opinion of a professional gamer as to what they should be called or what they compete/participate shouldn’t have more weight than people outside of it? That’s a bad opinion and you should feel bad for it.”
Professional gamers don’t have any more universal consensus of opinions on labels and terminology then…
Southpark did it. :)
But kidding aside, yeah, that’s basically my point. People can come up with “x reason” or “y reason” to explain why they don’t consider esports to be sports but when pressed you’ll almost always find these same people’s narrow definitions wind up excluding other popularly accepted sports outside of…
“Alsoagain (since you REALLY want to ignore this one), there are professional gamers in these comments saying they’re not sports.”
“Whydo you feel like it needs to be labeled a sport to have credibility?”
Why do you insist on forcing your myopic and arbitrary view of a label on everyone?
Apparently so does the olympics.
Like I said in the other reply, the problem I have with people who argue against esports as “sports” is that even the sports community can’t agree on a consistent definition of what makes a sport a “sport” and/or a universal list *of* sports.
Its completely arbitrary. People just don’t…
Unlike some I don’t feel the need to impose my myopic and arbitrary definition on others.
And yet gymnastics are at the olympics.
It is in fact as you said a “definitional”issue because the fact is that the the people who get hung up on what is and is not a sport can’t even agree to a definition or a universal list of sports outside *OF* esports.
People who scream esports aren’t sports just don’t feel like…
“Let’s slow down a bit on how we’re using the term “training” here.”
No, let’s not. Its applicable.
And yes, they’re sports.
Do you think target shooting is a sport?
You edited your post so forgive the second reply:
“When I’m playing poker or chess or some multiplayer game on consoles, I’m not thinking about how great an athlete I am.”
That’s because you’re a filthy casual :P
...but kidding aside, that’s a silly argument IMO. Playing a game of football or basketball with your friends…
Yes, esports are sports. So is golf for that matter, even though its boring.