@ataggata: Kotaku trying to "Deliberately alienate a portion of its reader base" may not be the soundest business strategy, but there's nothing ethically wrong with it. Especially if it's their honest opinions that drive away away that demographic.
@ataggata: Kotaku trying to "Deliberately alienate a portion of its reader base" may not be the soundest business strategy, but there's nothing ethically wrong with it. Especially if it's their honest opinions that drive away away that demographic.
@ataggata: There's plenty of other sources to get your metroid fix out there you know.
@ataggata: Do you understand why "game journalists" integrity is nothing but a joke?
@ataggata: No, he's also a commentator and critic. As such, He's not required as a commentator to say anything good about it. So long as you're clear on your position as a commentator and/critic, you don't have to approach from a position of non-bias. In point of fact; you CAN'T.
@ataggata: No he doesn't have to, but that's his opinion, and he's expressing it.
@Sojiroh: No, being unprofessional would be going "well...a lot of our readers are nintendo fans and they're hyped for this game, so I shouldn't say how I really feel, but tell them what they want to hear."
@ataggata: "....journalists should be fair and professional to meet the expectations of their readers."
@Marker: I intend too, and my boss wants to let me, but I usually just have really bad timing. We always seem to go into crunch time whenever they offer my classes again.
@Sepharih: Oh, and another thing, she's probably eating better with this line of work anyway. Entry level jobs in the videogame industry are notorious for their human rights violations.
As someone who started working in the game industry two years ago, this is a story I know all too well. In my case, I'm actually two classes away from earning my videogame degree, but I managed to get my foot in early so I still haven't got them yet.
I Won A Free Copy Of The Legendary Edition!!!!!!!
@ffrenchtoast: "you cant flame them because your not in their target audience. "
@stafax: ....when I think of Gears or Killzone I think....bland.
@KiDDJR3: Exactly the same, just like every other third party title.
@Muthu_ne1: It's 2d. Like streetfighter iv....except not good.
@Sepharih: got* a 12 hour a day job. my spelling is fail today.
Once when I was a kid my grandmother asked me "when are you going to grow up and stop playing those silly things". I replied by asking her when she was going to stop watching TV.