
Regular GYNs typically don't. An abortion providing doctor got shot to death here a few years ago. After he survived being shot in both arms on a different occasion.

It's up to the discretion of the individual provider. Given the severe risks of violence to clinics performing abortions and to abortion providers, I imagine a lot of OB/GYNs are not insured to perform abortions in most circumstances.

Because I like Kitchenette, and if you're being antagonistic just for the sake of pissing people off then I will report you to Pinkham and get you banned.

Garnish is supposed to be edible and conform to food standards too, isn't it? I'd say that one's on the restaurant for not using fresh kale. I mean yeah, there's an obvious alternative on the table, but maybe they all just really liked kale.

Achievement is easy to unlock:

I once managed a Mother's Day in a pretty high profile restaurant (at the time anyway) where I ended up getting the mother arrested and choking her husband in front of their 6 year old son. The cops and management/ownership were on my side.

I don't know. Different personalities would probably feel more comfortable in completely different areas of that chart. I find the key to happiness at work is feeling needed, and being given respect and trust. Coworkers who don't believe in bizarre conspiracy theories is a big plus too.

Chairdog. Thanks, Bene Tleilax!

This is to the people (clearly NOT servers) who claim we benefit from tax-free money. Ha. Ha. Ha. I WISH ::cries to myself::

The political scientist in me cringes every time I hear the "America is perfect" crowd starting talking about American expectationalism. It was originally used to mean "America is unlike anywhere else" not "America is better than anyone else." Those are kind of different.

I did not know that they do this in US.

That's the thing: it ISN'T deliberate malice. It's something much, much worse: de-sensitized apathy and a ground-in tendency to turn off your basic empathy for your fellow man.

This does not surprise me in the slightest. The reality in most minimum wage jobs is that if you call off for any reason, you could be fired. It may be against health code to work sick, but the employees who actually need the jobs will come in no matter how sick they are, and their bosses will let them. Working in

some days it's really hard not to think that Americans are the meanest people in the world. i know this can't be true because i have American family and friends who are angels on earth they're so good-hearted & ethical. but damn, every time i look at American news there are stories like this. so damn many stories

Botanical gardens, so Outdoor. The favors and cake topper were Star Wars themed, though. Not terribly Aggressively Themed, since we kept it fairly simple. It was also sort of On-A-Budget-But-No-One-Cares because we kept it small, but the budget was mostly to keep things sane. (And to keep my parents from turning it

Somebody send Captain Dumbass a copy of "Where the Boys Are" - the 1960 Connie Francis movie about SPRING BREAK in Ft. Lauderdale.

That's okay - Starbucks hasn't learned how to label the sizes of their coffee cups correctly yet, either.

Well i guess it could be called the daily 10 but, then it could be explained that the list is bigger on the inside