
This makes no sense at all.  Importing a vehicle to Canada falls under the jurisdiction of the Canadian government.  Mr. Kenney and his UCP is the official opposition party of the province of Alberta.  So the provincial party (in this case, Alberta) does not have the power to ban the vehicle.  The only thing the

Last time I checked, Boeing is an American Company based out of Everett, Washington....  Did they secede or something?

I guess this is as close to a Z4 coupe as we are going to get.  I am okay with that.

Please.... you don’t need a trailer

No, you don’t need a trailer hitch


I can’t comprehend why anyone would get the Q50 over this guy.

Is there any distinct advantage of getting the 35 and 50 prime lens with the Z mount, as oppose to getting the equivalent lens with F mount and the FTZ adapter?  I can get the 50 1.8 AF-S F mount with the adapter, for less than the cost of the 50 1.8 Z mount.

you sure is not Omnicorp instead?

Subaru Baja

Honda Element.  It will do everything you want

Geely KashKai

diversify your portfolio and not putting everything into one basket

you mean...

I said the driver, not the vehicle might be from Que