Senjougahara Hitagi

That’s nice to hear. Now we just have to hope that they actually spent some time on the character and didn’t put the female there just so they could say they have one. Or that they haven’t gone to the other extreme and spent all the time on her while ignoring the male one.

I get that they released it now, ‘cause of Witcher 3 but it feels like they should have waited. As it is now, it’s just... well kind of a web browser. I don’t mind, but I think a lot of other people will, and they will be hesitant to come back later, when it’s actually useful.

Sold. Love the MC design. Her dress are flashy and utterly impractical. That’s how it should be. Plus flower tattoos.

I think it’s the other way around. There is no reason for this to not exist. It fact, I’m glad it does. While I’m not the target audience and it’s not something I want or even enjoy, there are other people out there, who will buy this and who will be happy that they have this figurine. And as long as they won’t beat

They’d only do this, if the copies that got out and are playable were for PC, ‘cause those copies can get online and spread. This way, they may even sell more copies, ‘cause people buy it for Xbox One/PS4 to play early and then switch to PC once it lands.

I grant you the Witcher 1, that wasn’t thought out well. But even then, it was kinda your decision to shape Geralt in this way. You always had the option to say no to those woman IIRC (maybe not always, I can’t really be asked to remember everything), but you apparently said yes and now you complain that you don’t

Don’t you try to push this. I can’t stand zombies, but that alreight, I can easily avoid them. But I can’t even imagine what would I do if I got sick of myself.

I dunno about this one. I couldn’t stand that main woman character, whatever her name was. Every time she showed up I had this urge to turn the whole thing off, until one time I did, and then I never turned it on again.

I’d rather they wouldn’t even try with this one. I mean, it’s really good. But it’s too long for a movie and too grand for a show. And also a little bit too complicated for the general audience.

The game is great, but it’s far from perfect.

“Guys, we already fired like all of our customer support and quality control departments but we still need MORE money. Is there anyone else whose work we could outsource for free?”

Monster Hunter is too hard for me! The other one I don’t even know... so maybe?

IMO, there is not much that’s worth buying on 3DS. Fire Emblem, Persona Q, Bravely Default, Devil Survivor: Overclocked, some Pokemon and that would probably be it (yeah right, not a Mario or Zelda fan).

I quite happy with the amount of new games Vita gets. The problem is, it’s all JRPGS and they take A LOT time to play through. So people aren’t going to buy all of them. I mean even if you just wanna play through Atelier and Neptunia games... I have like 5 of those I haven’t got around to yet. And they’re releasing

Vita needs these exclusive titles more then any other console on the market, there is no way this thing survives on indie platformers and mobile ports.

But why should moders get more money then actual developers do? Valve takes 30% off of everything that’s sold on Steam. Therefore, it makes sense they would get 30% of every mod. What needs to be looked at is the Bethesda’s cut.

By smart, I of course don’t mean intelligent to the point, where it stops making sense. I also have to admit I’ve never played a Thief game so it may be true, but I can’t really say I’ve come to a contact with a game that would make me go “that was really smart of that guy”.

OK, I have to have this. I guess I’m playing Smite now.

Like seriously though, it seems to me that “smart AI” is some kind of urban myth. Everyone seems to know how it should work, but no one has ever seen it.

No, I didn’t watch the trailer, or more like I couldn’t at that time. I just foolishly assumed that the author of the article would mention the Catwoman, should there be one. Which he did not (it’s there now, but it wasn’t back then).