
My biggest issue with this movie is that it was pure setup for the rest of DCCU and that was most evident in Batman’s vision/dreams of the future where Darkseid/Apokolips foreshadowing which in your face for those who knew where to look at (fiery pits, huge omega symbols, and parademons

that's not robin: year one. maybe you mean nightwing: year one?

Gambit is being released this year? didn’t they have trouble finding a director month or two ago? when did they start filming it?

so i’ve just seen that “everything will change” promo and it got me thinking. wouldn’t it be cool if reverse flash and flash had to team up to stop zoom? :D

according to Finn’s wiki page on star wars wikia, the dead stormtrooper was his friend nicknamed Slip

i don’t watch the show, but i’ve just went to imdb and i saw it was rated 6,3 which seems to be really low, could anyone tell me why’s that so?

so Felicity will survive the shooting, but she’ll get crippled and she’ll be a step closer to becoming Oracle?

something looks wrong with it

wasn’t the thief who opened up the lion universe also immortal? where was he?

he looks a bit like evil abed :D

i love how earth2 arrow is basically flashpoint batman :D

nightmare fuel!

i think the singularity was an attempt to delete the current universe as it was a paradox, but flash and firestorm stopped it from happening?

Thomas’s ghost looked like the child ghost from Devil’s Backbone, bleeding wound and all

i don’t want it done on CW either, it definitely would not follow the tone set by the end of the series, but i’ll doubt we’ll see the show picked up by any network. then again, ratings for the next episode might be sky high and they decide to pick up the show. who knows

i think i read somewhere he’ll be back only for one episode, so i really hope constantine gets his own show again

that’s what twitter is for :P

i get it that joker is crazy, but it makes no sense to me that he would have no shoes