
isn’t it Ares, not Aries?

i know. also the food always looks better in slow motions, but face food places in croatia look pretty close to adds, at least kfc does :P

doesn’t even look half bad, i’d eat it :D

the fact that people familiar with the batman franchise expect and can speculate that certain characters will show up in this game is unimportant. as far as people who played the previous installments are concerned, the mentioned character is dead and gone, and this review gives a pretty major spoiler but revealing,

he said minor spoilers, not major spoilers like the one mentioned in the review

except there were only 3 batmen, also 3 wonder women, 3 supermen, 3 green lanterns etc. too bad they ditched the infinite universe characters by the end.

it was just matter of time when it would happen. I had fun playing the game for a while, but lost interest after couple of months. well at very least we got some cool alternative universe characters out of it.

that are free of charge. they can recolour the grass for all i care, even if it’s purely aesthetic it doesn’t really matter.

my body is ready for this!

i never would have thought that there would be a character with my name in japanese popular media XD

we’ll know soon enough i suppose

well i’m just worried the game might be canceled, since as far as we know, Kojima was heavily involved.

I have a bit of a random question, but it has something to do with Kojima. does anyone know what’s the status of silent hills? will it be canceled or will the production continue?

is there a particular reason behind the large number of live action movies based on manga/animes recently? does it have anything to do with the popularity of american comic book movies?

that was super saiyan level 5 or 6

it was an aprils fools joke (hence dragon ball AF).

the design reminds me a bit of dragon ball AF :P

why don’t you try playing tenis then

so frieza has a super saiyan form as well now? because that's what it seems to be to me.
also, why isn't the movie called the return of frieza? not cool enough?

thanks for the codes Mike