
Some of the best cartoons out there try to cater to older audiences as well. They are not just for kids. If you sit down and watch a few kids cartoons today you will see so many cleverly hidden adult jokes. Adult jokes as in jokes for adults, not just dirty jokes.

something’s missing in these jj storyboards . . . .

“The way to get there” that you propose results in the direct opposite outcome of which you desire. Growing up in a highly conservative social environment I believe I am more than qualified to say why. Homophobic people respond highly negatively when they feel that an ideology is being forced upon them. However, in a

isn’t this what we want?

Can we go back to cartoons with better art styles.

Yes, EA is indeed responsible for a lot. 

The first six are great. It’s the middle four I have trouble with.


As a kid watching episodes on tv I really preferred Riker, really I wanted to be Riker. As an adult binge-watching TNG on Netflix I was blown away by how incredible an actor Sir Patrick Stewart is. There is not a single episode he is bad in. His big moments still pop and the smaller ones still seem so genuine. The

This article gets at what so many people online seem to miss about Trek in general: it’s not that the stories don’t, or shouldn’t, feature characters that are bad, or otherwise fail to live up to the morals, meanings, and messages of the franchise, it’s that the show or movie itself has to support those morals,

One of the best Picard quotes IMO:

Worried about Batwoman , its looking  BAT - Terrible ! in humanity.

consuming bleach will treat various illnesses—acne, flu, malaria, HIV, hepatitis, cancer, and autism.”

Jesus Christ, is the bar for common decency so low nowadays that the argument “he didn’t shoot the place up” is an actual proof of good character?! 

just remember that when it’s your kid someone films in a bathroom. As long as they don’t show the naughty bits, who cares about privacy, right? I mean, fuck everyone else, this guy is on Twitch!

This is who millions of Americans want to spend their free time watching and give their hard earned money to. This guy.

Twitch banning aside, what he did is a crime in California (filming/photogrpahing people in a public bathroom is a criminal offense). Wondering why he hasn’t been charged with a crime - or if he has, why nobody is talking about the fact he committed A CRIME.

Huh, I think I might've heard something like that somewhere.

I don’t think classic consoles, especially of the price this will likely be, are for kids at all. They’re 100% nostalgia for adults. These games are way too old for the standards of gaming kids have been raised on.