
We don’t know how much time has passed... the ant-man arriving at Avengers HQ scene could be set months after the Snap.

Who the fuck’s care about Captain Marvel!!

Why would they? It’s not a safe business plan to scare away the kids. :D

Oh yeah... ;)

Cartoons and anime sexbots are no more than 20 years from now... that’ll give us the coupe de grace and put the human race on the path to extintion.

My God.. The striving to make this movie more than it was (barely watchable by the number action superhero fare) is becoming pathetic...

Nope... man are not allowed. Sorry pal. :P ;)

Really? You get tear-eyed for shirts and dresses?

Actually I think they pay you something back if you put it on your service... even if your service is your own tv and you have bought, while drunk, the DVDs. ;)

I saw it as two people convincing themselves to be integrated in a simulated reality inside a mainframe not under their control where their simulated happiness will eventually crumble under the pressure of immortality (as clearly stated and demonstrated by all the “lost souls” inside the simulation).

And you get your wife by arranged marriage with no prior contact with her... because you d0n’t want a simple invite to a dinner to make someone “uncomfortable”...

Milk it, Disney!!! Milk it like there’s no tomorrow!!!


Exactly!! Who cares about Batwoman or black suited Supes!! We are getting 90s Flash Shipp in all his glory!!!

Imagine no Skywalkers...

I really think that with Spacey in it the last season would have had better ratings.

Damn Iloved Lois and Clark... it was cheesy and low budget, with a very bad photography, but it was fun and hopeful and Dean Cain was a great Clark and a pretty decent Superman.

But most of time it is. :P

Nope.. it’ll put us squarely in the timepline where “The Race” invaded Earth in 1942. ;)

It’s a generally very boring season... Very boring.