
Link wakes up...”Rip and tear Link. Rip and tear!”

Did you see the card they tweeted? He’s a “loitering Pokemon”.

Link looks so cool in the armor!

Whatever. Give Tonkatsu DJ Agetarou some respect.

XP before that.

I really hope it’s not just the honeymoon period for the new Empire. Everyone just laughed that it was Ramzes+4 but those games were pretty great. I’ve always had a soft spot for CIS DOTA and Empire.

I’m on chapter 25 in Conquest and I so want to pick BS1 back up, get into 2, and play some Bravely Default 2. Sigh.

Missed marketing opportunity.

Don’t forget by visiting other castles and battling you earn Dragon Vein Points.

Why’s it called Overwatch? Because Oracle was already taken.

*grumbles about still not getting in*

Preston doesn’t want the world set on fire. He just wants to start a flame on your block.

Valve did provide a statement to SteamDB and Gamespot.

I couldn’t help but to laugh when I first started seeing this story pop up. One I read let interns pitch ideas and features on top of the Kickstarter funding mentioned here. Wut?

Yep. After Gearbox got the rights to Homeworld magic happened and now it’s a real boy, I mean a real Homeworld boy.

But item recipes have the Combine logo on them. Obviously the Combine have some interest in the Ancients.

Shadows of Mordor $17

This is exactly what I’m waiting for and was even talking to my co-worker about it the other day. I’m hoping for a SkyUI overhaul too.

Wrong! Theatrhythm!

Except that all the points you brought up have not affected the core gameplay of DOTA. This is simply a custom map done by Valve for their “yearly” (gif diretide) holiday events.