All this headache I'd say screw it and go the way of the Bears and have no cheerleaders.
All this headache I'd say screw it and go the way of the Bears and have no cheerleaders.
I can't debate this with you because you obviously aren't reading what I am saying. If I am investigating you then that means I have probable cause. I am not talking about in terms of regular citizen interactions or traffic stops. I am not a regular uniformed police officer.
False. The presumption of innocence is for the court system. My job as the investigatory arm of the judicial system is to do just that, investigate. I gather my facts, compile my reports and in the end I let the cards fall wherever they may. Someone's guilt or innocence in the eyes of the law is decided by a jury of…
As a police officer I can tell you that when I am investigating incidents I (and every good cop who busts real criminals) goes into it with the mind frame that the suspect is lying and it's my job to prove he's not. I know it's counter intuitive to what the media portrays (cops think everybody lies and there sole job…
A lot of police departments put up those signs saying "Checkpoint in 1 mile" are usually setup at every exit except the 1 mile mark exit because they know people will exit immediately.
I recall a website years ago called "How Was She." Essentially it was the same concept but I remember the absolute outrage from women across the country. I mean how dare anyone share their intimate details with the world without their permission. Now roles are reversed and it is somehow acceptable? I would say it's…
Probably the only time you'll every hear republican's endorse welfare.....
I swear to God, the internet is the best and worst thing to ever happen to this freaking country. It gives coward's like these knuckleheads a venue to publicly state their b.s. with zero accountability.
I know it sounds harsh but in this day and age where people file complaints with HR over some of the silliest shit I would stay clear of concerning myself with anyone's personal issues.
Joey Crawford shouldn't be allowed near a finals game after that abortion of a game he and his team called in the Miami/Indianapolis series.
Common sense says only an idiot would not ask what they are going to get paid. Far to often people forget that you're interviewing the employer just as much as they are interviewing you. Its like people are scared that one particular job interview is the only prospective job left in the whole world.
It's been my experience that those who can, do. Those who can't, work in HR.
Sounds like something a person with terrible credit tells themselves to feel better.
I "subscribe and save" on my workout supplements. I do it more for convenience than anything, can't really tell you I save all that much. Truth be told Amazon should lock you into that same price every month but instead you pay whatever the price fluctuates to. I guess you could say it is a bit misleading if you take…
I was pretty reckless with sunscreen as a kid and had a lot of burns. Paying for it now with annual melanoma screenings.
I've always heard running is terrible for your body (as far as the impact goes) but it sure doesn't stop me lol. Some fitness professionals say the absolute best cardio for you is swimming. No impact and the same benefits of running.
I know most legitimate employers will only give yes or no references for whether or not the employee in question worked there out of fear of being sued.
Funny you should say that because I flew out of Baltimore to Newark and from newark to Ft.Lauderdale. Needless to say they freaking left my luggage in Newark until the next day. Bunch of assholes.
Went to college with him and even then he's a douche bag.