Meanwhile secularists are like, hey, why not leave this institution that has voluntary membership and found a church that isn't historically and currently awful.
Meanwhile secularists are like, hey, why not leave this institution that has voluntary membership and found a church that isn't historically and currently awful.
Ain't life under theocracy grand?
I've played both FFVI & Chrono Trigger every 2-3 years since I was a kid. Those games are just perfect to me, and never seem to age poorly at all.
My fellow libs constantly fuck things up worse by bemoaning someone's whiteness.
There's almost no winning. And I say that as someone who identifies as a feminist. If they did, in fact, edit the video to exclude white guys intentionally, then that's fucked up. But just because the guys committing harassment in the Hollaback video were men of color doesn't mean they didn't harass her or it…
Beyonce is definitely talented but isn't remotely what I'd call a musician. So I sort of wish the biggest female artist in the world couldn't have their basic talent defined as "can sing and dance good." Where's the musicianship? Is there any?
And just like that, his arrest did absolutely nothing to slow internet piracy whatsoever.
But hey, my American history professor just told me with a straight face that we can't make value judgments about other cultures because "that's their culture" and "freedom is how you interpret it". Tell that to this lady.
I shop at Old Navy and Salvation Army and have slept with more than 20+ women. So something about Esquire's hypothesis is a bit off.
Bless this brilliant bastard. He's going to give joy and fun to millions. Hope that makes his work meaningful.
That's the best propylene glycol I've ever had in my goddamn life.
YES. The moment Beta Ray Bill arrived in Thor: Disassembled is one of my favorite panels ever. So badass.
Oh man, your comment ignited some dormant memories. I had an ex who was the same way and it was the WORST. We're fucking, you know, this isn't opening night at the Improv.
Imagine all the trouble we might have avoided had the Bible said, "witches don't exist" instead of "never suffer a witch to live". I've asked more than one person during a discussion about religion why god would command us to wholesale slaughter a type of person that doesn't exist. As you can imagine, there's never a…
Or they could always toss out their story altogether when it becomes obvious it's a fraud. But hey, the cognitive dissonance at the heart of faith is hard to extricate.
Yes, but that doesn't change the fact that it WAS interpreted literally for the better part of two millenia. And Christianity has a crisis of authority, otherwise there wouldn't be hundreds of denominations all with competing claims about how to interpret the Bible. Frame it anyway you want, it's still a silly waste…
Oh, religion is so cute. It starts as literal and ends at allegory when it no longer has a leg to stand on.
There's a difference between the two: evolution is substantiated by science, and creationism is backed up by literally nothing. We shouldn't treat those view points as equal.
Honestly, he was rude and dismissive and basically didn't under Harris's point of view whatsoever. Probably because he yelled over him and generally acted like a dick.
Publish a cartoon depicting the prophet Mohammed along with your home address. Put your money where your mouth is.