
If you hate it, try changing it? If not, or if you can't for some reason, then let it go. Those are your two options. Or you could bitch for another 36 years because THE WORLD ISN'T FAIR.

If there's one thing you can expect in a Lindy article, it's thinly veiled rage at anything remotely healthy.

Or...or just maybe you're projecting your own sense of insecurity and/or envy.

See what it's like to make unfounded assumptions about strangers? Sucks, right?

Don't be an asshole.

Also, exercise is great for the mind and body. It isn't purely an aesthetic benefit.

Plastic surgery, folks. Not even once.

Real question: how hard is it to dedicate your entire life to antiquated myths?

Seriously, some of the people that comment on Gawker media sites are the dumbest, most sanctimonious assholes in the world. In the moment, you have no idea whether or not someone has a weapon and you're running off pure adrenaline. All this guy saw was two men attempt to violently rob his friend, and he took action.

Oh, you're a troll. Got it.

"ethnicity, race, religion, national origin, gender, disability, sexual orientation,socioeconomic status, or other characteristics."

One of these things is not like the others.

You're both wrong, sorry. Both have committed war crimes. Both have killed innocent people. Both keep this stupid warfare going over some stupid fucking ethnocentric/religiously motivated horseshit. Sorry, it's true.

I'm pro-fuck both sides of this stupidly religiously-fueled violence, but it's really easy to say what you're saying when a fucking rocket didn't just land in your grandma's living room.

Same thing with so-called "Islamophobia". Nothing like insulating your bullshit religious beliefs from inquiry like calling its critics racists.


Oh, religion, you have to be the source of so much bad shit, don't you? Nothing makes two groups of violently opposed people more fervent in their desire to see the other die than codifying their bigotry and stupidity with religious nonsense. Now Israelis and Palestinians have so successfully murdered each other for

Look, someone that doesn't understand herd immunity and also thinks anecdotal evidence is as valid as peer-reviewed studies done over decades.

"Have the drug companies done any long term research?" LOL

"Why are you subjecting your kids to doses of potentially fatal diseases when they are so young and vulnerable and why


Plastic surgery...

Not even once.

I divert sharply from the left (I could be considered somewhat of a centrist liberal) when it comes to the issue of religion. There is such glad handing, hand-holding, we're-too-fucking-scared bullshit from the left that I find it nauseating. What impulse is there for these wack-jobs to marry child brides other than

Many gamers are already sedentary enough, let's not push them further to the grave by advocating the consumption of what is basically the equivalent of drinking lard.

Or I could just be laughing at how poorly that was written and how comically absurd it is that we pretend college athletics has anything to do with education.

To the body-shaming girl:

Is this a big problem for people? Poop when you need to poop, y'all. What's the issue?
