The real Matthew Pucino was insanely attractive. I have no point to make, just stating a fact. Wowza.
The real Matthew Pucino was insanely attractive. I have no point to make, just stating a fact. Wowza.
That Hannah Horvath is a Gawker reader and Jezebel commenter is undoubtedly quite upsetting to the many Gawker and…
Does jez hate skinny people or just weight loss or being healthy in general? Do feminists into physical fitness have to hide the fact that they enjoy exersize? Like I understand "promoting positive body image" but not "ridiculing weight regulation."
It really works! When nobody's around, I go skinny dipping in the liquid nitrogen tank. And I've lost so much weight, I'm basically nothing but bone now.
Use a cast iron skillet to cook your foods, particularly acidic foods. It will add more iron to your diet.
Been a while since I've written. I want to update if mainly for me to get my thoughts out. It's been a week (maybe two, I can't remember anymore) since the fallout with L. The bad part is she's auditing the class I'm teaching so I still see her on a weekly basis. Last week was okay because we actually managed to…
Ugh, some neckbeard was having a go about women ruining cons by only being there to pt their tits out and get attention and when I called him on it, he started having a go, then started crying to other people on the thread how SHE was attacking me, SHE was being mean (yes, SHE in caps). It was so fucking pathetic, but…
Wait, why is sending cock shots not on this list? HAVE I BEEN DOING IT ALL WRONG????
Here is some news that's quite literally inauspicious: two white doves released by children standing next to Pope…
I was in the exact same situation a couple of years ago, and it turned me into an insecure child! I sensed he was more into casual than dating but sort of on the fence, and I tried to trick myself into thinking that I wasn't WAY more into him than he was interested in me. I didn't like the power imbalance that it…
I've had literally one one night stand. I had fun, great sex, great conversation. I left the next morning. We texted the next day, and that was it. He tried to persue a relationship, and I, quite simply, wasn't interested in being in one at the time. Nothing against him, I had an awesome time. I was enjoying being…
Sometimes you gotta let a one night stand just be a one night stand and not take anything that comes after it personally. Humans are weird and don't always have rational reasons for doing things, like texting the day after a one night stand. Trying to figure it out is a recipe for madness.
Oh no no no. This is not the mark of a good therapist. I'm in therapy to figure out why I need to use the coping mechanisms I use, not more coping mechanisms. This is doubly bad for your bf because I imagine the therapeutic alliance (aka bond) created with this therapist has now been quite damaged and he may transfer…
I need to move to Sweden. Immediately.
Note to all: There's a lot to be said for 1:00, upper left-hand corner. I never would've noticed it had I not actually read the narrative to the end. I need to do that more often. :-)
This made me giggle so hard. Much dancing. So inappropriate lyrics. Head buffing.
I'd bang all but a couple dudes in that vid. They are just as I imagined a Swedish Marine platoon to look like. At least they can dance.