Sea Anemone

OK, within about twenty-four hours, we've had Steve Pearce say that a wife is to "voluntarily submit" to her husband, Mike Huckabee tell us that he's fighting for women by denying them birth control coverage, and now this crap?

He actually says "lay off" in the link.

Silly Burt, everyone knows God put chemicals in the air because women are working outside the home and we have a Kenyan President.

yep. everytime you masturbate, another child is born gay.

I love it when they claim that God punishes the not-having-of-babies by inflicting disability and disease on babies. He's going to show you how bad it is to abort babies by fucking up the babies of people who did not abort babies. Even if you want to believe that God is the kind of spiteful asshole who would do such a

Obviously cake is the perfect vehicle for this sort of thing. Pie being too dignified and all. #teampie

Hahaha! You said "sane Republicans"!!!

God says he is very very busy doing important deity-type things

Another graduate of the Todd Akin School of Medicine, I guess.

Fuck all y'all. Team Cobbler.

I am most likely in the minority, but I'm not much of a fan of paparazzi shots solely to show a dude is not wearing underwear. I get that he's in public and it's fair game if you are out on a street and whatever, but it just feels... icky. Because if a bunch of dudes were looking at a photo of a woman and going, "I

Aww, it's his very first (rap) sheet cake

Evidently he's also only mad if you need them from the government. I guess if we can afford them on our own, Huckabee is all for the whore pills right? Bootstraps!

Maybe Bieb's born with it, maybe it's Maybelline.

Xanax is not an anti-depressant. It works straight away. It works too well even, the sensation is one of pure bliss, at least in my experience. I try to use them only when really needed because I can see how good this stuff makes me feel and it'd be easy to get hooked.

thank you! i did not know that! *makes note to take medicine consistently*

Xanax is not a SSRI. It's difficult to quit because it's addictive, but as far as I know it doesn't cause discontinuation syndrome, thank god. But it definitely makes ya woozy and out of it.

Is THAT what the brain zaps are called?? I take Paxil for my OCD and I've tried a few times to get off of it, but those brain zaps...whoooo boy, those are a doozy.