Sea Anemone

OK, but the medical community disagrees

Someone can wash their face really well and still have acne. Acne is caused by a perfect storm of oil, bacteria, and dead skin cells - all of which are there even if you do wash your face. Accutane can address the oil, but that's pretty drastic. A salicylic acid face wash will exfoliate the dead skin cells, and is

I was looking for someone who to take me out on saturday nights, not bootycall me every other tuesday.


How does their unit have any cohesion with all that facial hair?

You had me at "Swedish Marines".

You're making a logical fallacy. A->B does not mean B->A.

Oh, sociopath and psychopath are still used.

I guess you have to define "very". The roots of anti-social personality disorder aren't completely nailed down, but yes, there is some correlation with bad home life.

Give this abstract a read, it explains a little.

Have you heard of "Confessions of a Sociopath"?

the attitude towards women is simple: They are just objects whose function is to serve gay men.

Someone with no idea how either fabric or breasts work.

Do you find yourself exposing your bosoms for pretty much anybody you have a small amount of affection for?

For a woman you just have to exist and it happens

Just because you feel something, that doesn't make it true. Your entire argument is idiotic. If two people are not in a romantic relationship there can be no cuckolding or other form of cheating, regardless of how you feel. If someone feels hurt by romatic rejection, it is on them to deal with those feelings. And if

I might call it "sex object zoning". Honestly, entirely too many men can only see friendliness from a woman as "she wants the D" and never "Oh, she's being friendly, we should be friends."

Ask Penabler to help. He likes to troll, and he's good at it.

It's on purpose. They ain't looking for a pretty lady for fun oral sexy times. They are looking for a subordinate to give them their due reward for being manly-men poker-hand winners.

Now, that's just slut shaming.