Sea Anemone

Combination pill, but monophasic? You can skip all the periods you damn please.

Nobody will ever beat the time my bf and I bought condoms and WD-40.

Hasn't this guy heard of Craigslist?

According the Flag Code (which is a thing that exists), it's disrespectful to put flags on garments. I forget the details, there might be an out since that is a flag pattern not a flag.

I confirmed it with my boyfriend after he confessed to not telling me he had it for years but thought he couldn't spread it to others since he hasn't had a outbreak for years.

It's not complicated. If you have antibodies, you have herpes. While either virus can live orally or genitally, the majority of HSV2 cases are genital and the majority of HSV1 cases are oral. If you have the virus, you can transmit the virus, whether you show symptoms or not.

It is black and white. If you have antibodies, you have herpes. Not all people who have herpes get breakouts, which is where the confusion might be coming from.

When I first saw that picture, my first thought had nothing to do with black dads, but rather, "Oh how cute, a man knows how to brush a girl's hair. Wait a minute ... DOES HE?" I have no field experience with curly hair either, so I gave him the benefit of the doubt. :)

Wow. That is love.

Sorry you had to find out this way, but some of those women were faking.

Keep your socks on? Seriously? Nothing says "you are so unimportant that I can't be arsed to get all the way naked with you" like sock sex.

Unless you have genetics for boobs and ass, eating more of anything won't help you grow them.

Next time you need to change your phone number, get a second number, and a second phone if necessary, and keep the old number. You can give the new number to your friends, and he can keep calling the old number and leaving evidence.

I have a morning ritual. I like to spend 2-3 hours in bed snuggling the cat and drifting in and out of sleep.

I'm disappointed by the Slate response.

Especially since they accept children. Yeah, my barfs sometimes, but so do babies. I clean it up, and life goes on.

Well, Anglo cultures are the ones that kiss, so that's a safe statement.

Shave it once you're hired. :)

If handshakes are ok, stick your hand out right in front of you so that it blocks the approach and stand there smiling until they figure it out. It will awkward sometimes. If they flat out say they want to hug you, just say "oh, I'm not really a hugger. Can we shake?" while maintaining the smile.

If it's cheese that is lower in fat bc of how it is made, ie, Neufchatel vs. Cream cheese, then it's good.