
I feel like the initial inbox rape was meant to get people to actually look at the settings

but Bush never funded the program properly, so it was behind schedule from day one. And it's hard to justify a huge project like that in the middle of a recession. Especially one so overbudget and behind schedule

ah so it is something you can request

He didn't scrap anything, the program was so underfunded for 5 years that to actually complete the project the cost would have been way too high

My gf has had clothing stolen from her luggage before, is there a way you can insist that they do the screening infront of you and then seal the bag?

The Columbia was destroyed by foam falling off the external tank, the Challenger was an O-ring failure

You might not be able to drag race through a roundabout but you can drift

anyone else notice gmail being alot snappier with the new theme?

we were warned with our current dog (a shiba inu) to not even bother with the invisible fence, that the breed was so stubborn they would just run right through it

Anyone else notice the "link other accounts" tab in the settings and how it didn't work at all?

I had a invisible fence for my golden lab when I was a kid, but the smart bastard smashed the collar on a rock

wouldn't they also have to prove he was in the car in order to use it at trial? anyone could have been driving the car

What do people tag the ring with? Paint seems like it would fuck with the grip of the pavement

99 red balloons win

....It's a sequential paddle shifted gearbox....

One is a sports car, the other is a sedan, they aren't the same car at all

already have a data plan? then your good

Same way I got mine

Krieger! You sure he doesn't have a son somewhere that is a clone of hitler?