
the icloud calender allows me to share calenders! oh what's that? google calender has been able to do that for years? ya I'll keep my droid thanks

The entire thing was just a list of features android already has, except for the itunes in the cloud for $25 bucks a year

This vs. a kangaroo at 200 mph, ouch

cop "it he doing 90? na it's a wagon, I must be seeing things"

more like he saw a guy in a raptor do the same thing and he went "I can do that!" with a beer in his hand

I was never taught about paddock girls, what do I need to know?

Sounds more like a user error to me

Also, consider the fuel your not burning traveling to that brick and motar store, that might compensate for the sales tax right there

woot is awesome, forgot amazon bought them

I'll be your wingman anytime!

1. Blatantly ripping off an American ad - not very classy

ah, I always get my british moguls mixed up

Wasn't his father a prominent nazi?

minimalist design that is pretty without being loud, very high tech, very big on the details, and most importantly; new and faster than the old school

can't wait for that freakin movie

ok then, take away their porn and see what happens ;)

just give me a turbo- much better way to get energy from exhaust

they lasted 35 years, thus justifying their expense
