

Is it green?

more like drinkingly efficient

It's pretty good, but I don't have HBO, so you know, I wouldn't know how to get it *winkwink*

not sure what you did to the formatting but the whole caption now shows up as lined out

Holy suspension compression batman

Train at the end of the video: holy shit it's good that they stopped

Seriously on the second pic? How could you not recognize paul the german oracle octopus may he rest in peace

you forgot the helicopter hits plane step

hey don't hate, that hat attracts men from miles around

Spain still has a King? WTF have they done lately besides found medieval times?

Correct!, no appeals court, no precedent


As a former resident of Atlanta I am deeply offended by this map' association of that city with AL, fuck Alabama

But can it destroy a transformer on top of a pyramid?

It either exists or it doesn't, there is no "creating" a link

this is in russia, there are no rules there

Now all they need to do is get WMC extender to work with kinect and I'll be all set

If you read the article you see that it makes fun of Houston's design, because it really kind of sucked