
I think that's a lame excuse.

I guess EA are big fans of Barcelona. No sign of the European Champions Real Madrid!!

thank god tomorrow morning I'll be driving around that area. Hopefully I will be able to get a glimpse of the outside and take some pictures

Wow!!! What is this world coming to?!! This is a horrendous story.

I bought my PS4 a month ago. I'm happy that with it, but its collecting dust right now. I've been playing Dark Souls 2 aiming for platinum. But I don't find any interesting games for my PS4. I bought it as a bundle with CoD Ghost and just played the campaign and that's it. Enjoy half through of the game.

I'm still playing DS2. Trying to get platinum

I'm watching Game of Thrones, The Walking Dead, Silicone Valley, and barely getting started on Dexter. I watch too much Futbol (soccer) Hala Madrid!!!

I hope they make another Genji game. Loved the one in the PS2

I'm still using my one and only PS3. I'm still waiting for more games to come out for the PS4, so I can buy one.

MP3Tag works flawlessly with FLAC files. Its my favorite and only application that I use to fix my MP3s

It looks like we got the PS2 version instead.

that's just plain ugly man

I did it, but still shows protected songs

Lord of Shadow felt like God of War.

I really enjoyed Lament of Innocence game. I liked it better than Curse of Darkness for some reason. It wasn't such a bad game. What I liked it about it, he kept it traditional, even in 3D.

I have the old Asus RT model, and I'm so happy with it. I recommend the ASUS brand. Very reliable

You missed Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne. Excellent game with dark theme and multiple choices for the main character and the ability to fuse your demons. There is no other game like this one. Hands down

Is it just me, or the voice has changed a little?

Its an awesome show. It really worth watching it. It makes up for the time we have to wait for GoT. But this show rocks!!!

With this game coming out in less than 3 weeks and Dark Souls 2 coming out in march too. I don't know what to do. Many choices and lots of time sitting in the couch. My wife is gonna kill me