
I was never a huge fan of the first. I could appreciate it for what it was, and I played all the way through it. The beginning really drew me in, when you get in the sub to go down to Rapture, it reminded me a lot of the old 20,000 Leagues under the Sea ride at disney world. That made me insta love the games

Maybe he thinks that it would have looked "better" on the ps4, not really understanding what an HD remake means

came in here to say this, wasn't expecting anyone else to be thinking that at all... haha your a champ

came in here expecting the user comments to be much better then the actual article... Wasn't let down

came for the boobs, loved the video... usually hate stuff like this

I honestly loved the campaign. Everyone who said that it was a COD clone was kinda right, especially compared to previous bf single player campaigns, but I felt that it did everything COD did, but better. The AI was 100x better, it felt like you were in squad engagements, it felt like you were in the situation rather

I can't fully construct idea's like you can't fully construct a game. Constructing a scam demo seems right up your alley though. (Did I get it correct this time) Keep up the good work. Remember though, karma's a bitch.

yes, buying a game that got good reviews and expecting it to work must make you a fucking moron or something..

I am choosing not to business with a group of known con men... But thanks for the English lesson

My problem is the fraud demo they tried to pass of as actual gameplay

There's a difference between a bad game, and releasing a demo that in no way represents your gameplay, and try to pass it off as your game

Dear Gearbox, your frauds that stole money from anyone who purchased Aliens... won't buy another game of yours... Fuck yourself...

Boooo this man!!!!!!!!

I am calling it now. This game will be, to Assassins Creed, what Alpha Protocol was to Mass Effect. Similar Concept, Similar Gameplay, Different Setting where you want it to work, but ultimately a let down and a cheap copy

Its even better with Mushrooms

My first run was amazing... There are so many things I could go on about in regards to this game, so I will try and keep it short.

I use a windows phone (sue me) but got a Nexus 7 a few days ago..

1. Vice City - I have a strange love for the 80, just love the time period. Everything about the game is enjoyable. Also perfect pacing really that gives it the edge of SA. Beat the main plot 4 or 5 times

Ill tell you what i told the other guy who said the same thing...