
Yep. I put in $100 each with a buddy to start baseball this year. We ended the season at $1200. We started playing football and 4 weeks in we hit $7500, a 2nd place finish. We cashed out $1250 each and continued to play. We hit another $3k the week before Christmas. Took out $1k each for a nice christmas gift. We are

Apparently too much MSG in their diets last night

my fairly viral video had news radio in the background, which is actually hilarious bc the announcer is talking about sunny dry weather the next day while a Mustang wrecks out trying to show off in the rain! I haven’t tried commentary, maybe Ill give it a whirl and upload to see how it sounds

good points. I agree if you worry the follower is too close to leave more room, but then you get the ass hat who thinks 2 car lengths means its his space to change lanes into!

It is a weird thing. Before I had a dash cam I would cuss and yell and have verbal diarrhea at the things I saw on the road. Now, I just watch as things happen in total silence. I dont want to ruin the video, you never know how much someone might pay for one that goes viral

You cant see behind him or next to him though. Maybe someone was behind him and he didnt want to get rear ended or couldnt safely change lanes. Maybe it didnt look as big at first or he thought it was just snow and not an ice sheet? So many things man. And yet, he stayed the course and didnt even say a fucking word as

Too bad he never got close enough to get a plate #. I hate jackwagons who drive with all that shit flying off their vehicle

Its still gonna cost $5-6k for a proper upgraded aftermarket turbo kit. Will need manifold and all the extra bits

Probably because I felt like I was going to get ran over and die trying to get on a freeway in Dallas. Considering it was the rental they gave me while my Turbo’d Del Sol was in the shop, its no wonder I felt like it couldnt go anywhere

Im sorry you had to drive one. The rental agency once gave me one. I put 5 miles on it, 2.5 home and 2.5 back 2 weeks later

A Geo Metro-any of them. A 1L 40 HP engine, Id rather walk down the street with a thousand flies feasting on a dingleberry smeard on my butt than be given one of those

I thought Thanksgiving was 3 weeks ago? Oh well, nicely done.

+1 bravo

I guess not, but Fuck Range Rovers!

The only way HIDs get confused for brights is if you put HID aftermarket kits in regular halogen headlamps. The reflectors spread that shit everywhere and blinds people, and no that shit doesnt look cool

As heard on DFW Ticket, a Dallas Cowboys writer for tweeted out plans of a trick play and what it looked on Friday. So blame the teams own writer.

yep, gotta have them traffic reports on the 8’s for my commute to Dallas

windshield mounted dash cam with full 1080p recording. Cobra cdr840. Worth every penny. and now its paid off as I have made 5 times what I paid in money off the video