
These professional athletes, they are not like you and I who can be replaced by the guy in the next cubicle and trained to do your job. They are 1%ers who are the best in the world at what they do, and if they can play then someone will pay. Any of you who want to get on your high horse and bitch about pro teams

Great so we are left with Italian supercars that self immolate. Thank Tevez

I seriously need the Type R in the US and in my garage, like now. Hopefully these engines are as tuner friendly as the K20's were. If so, could be some insane hp numbers on factory internals driven on the streets

OMG, now I've watched the whole video and wonder why the driver of the video didnt just pull in to the turn lane to stop this guy. and now Im totally annoyed with the Accord driver

I was verbally abused and called all kinds of names by parents of 5-12 year olds while reffing soccer. Its amazing the things that are said. I once had a coach take a swing at because I red carded his kid for calling me a faggot after I called a foul on him. Luckily the other team had parent who was a local cop.

If it's so important to not have your plate in the photo, take the damn thing off and take the pic. your finger/hand is so effing distracting

Chelsea tweets Jose press conferences, I can assure you, the tweets do not come across anything like what Jose actually says. I love his press conferences.

paid $7 a month extra on my lease payment as required by the leasing company. Thank goodness, 2 years into my lease I got smashed by a dodge ram texting dude doing 60, while I was at a dead stop. The difference of $2000 paid was nice since I had only paid $120 into it at the time. When I purchased the subsequent

A wonderful series to follow no doubt. We are thawing out from our North Texas winter that lasts 1.5 weeks.

Another prime example of why its becoming harder and harder want to attend games, much less bring the kids along

Yes Please. Take my $35k please. 310 hp is well above what I thought they were going with. Lets pray it comes here, and comes here in these specs. Please Honda!

As an owner the best SI ever built, the 8th Gen 4dr. I hope this makes it here. I would buy one in a heartbeat, and I know there are plenty of people out there like me who would spend that type of money on a civic. Why, because I love my Honda's, I know what I get when I pay for it and they work for me. Sure I

Excellent, I love watching airport ops.

I really would like to know how they missed it, but in an industry that uses old ass Sabre, it shouldn't be surprising. Also if I has read the rest of your comments on this article I would have seen that you weren't excusing it, my bad

shhhhhh Its not Duct Tape, its Airplane Tape!

we should commend them for missing a significant check on a backup system? No, no commendations for reporting your own cluster eff

If they were interested in safe planes, they wouldn't have missed the check on 1 airplane, much less 128. Self reporting gets you nothing with the FAA, they will come after them for the days they flew past the check up until the self report. They roasted AA over 1/2" on a wire bundled strap on MD-80s, they'll get

Maybe they are just developing electric cars to drive around a massive new campus and to take people from home to work and back, not for public consumption....

Does this fight even matter outside of breaking PPV records? It should have happened 4 yrs ago and at this point im tired of even hearing about it.

That wheel gap though. Couldnt they do a sport suspension that brings it down 1/2" or so.