My pilot buddy says that in todays cockpits, with verbal guidance you could probably pull it off :)
My pilot buddy says that in todays cockpits, with verbal guidance you could probably pull it off :)
It'd be easier to just go down to the strip club and hire strippers. offering them beer food and tell them they dont have to strip and they will make some tips and they will be there in a heartbeat. Anything for that money for the next fix
You can have all that, Ill drive my honda for 1/4 of the cost and twice as long as that MB today
Good luck with this endeavor, I will be following along as all things fire interest me. One of my good friends just became a firefighter/emt in the last year
as a person who once had a wing on a Del Sol, I giggled out loud at this. Bravo
Yes I loved my Del Sol, bring it back with the K20 from the 8th gen SI. could you imagine the sound of the K20 at 8400 with the top off and the back window down......
I use inflight Wifi to browse Twitter, FB, and let my 2 y.o. watch youtube videos. I really hope regionals come around and start offering Wifi, especially since so many flights are flown by them now. And ill pay for it unless my flight is less than 30 minutes
Why do they call it a death "trap", the birds never make it inside?
Ho Lee Fuk that was hilarious. Is anything even real anymore
very nice Jalop tie in
If they shot the plane down, Ill bet it was filmed and will end up on some website over there in the not too distant future. Sad sad situation for all this innocents on board and their families
This was never about education, it was always about sports. No doubt some of these athletes would use his school, get to college and then sign on with some agency Prime had an affiliation with to make Prime even more money. Its sounded like a scam from day 1
Friend had a similar Hyundai issue, Her clutch on the Tib was shot, she took it in multiple times with them say there is no issue, they are not responsible. Finally her husband takes it in, and less than 30 minutes they were going to replace the whole clutch and do it under warranty, and got it back to them in 2 days…
My Basset loves to ride in my car with the windows down. Unfortunately when we are done, it then needs a full detail to remove hair and slobber from everywhere
At least the Nationwide cars run the true pony version of the brand
Its funny how TMS went from the drivers hating it the first few years to loving it. What I love is the free parking, and I can bring one cooler full of water, my wife can bring one full of beer and my son can bring one full of snacks and food.
sounds like that we can agree on that. When they built TMS (I live in DFW) I was amazed at the place, but now I wish they had built a short track, something a mile or less. They could have pulled off over 100k seat still and been one of the elite tracks on the circuit. I realize that Texas has had some of the best…
So Daytona would be more interesting ran at 100 mph?
They may, I say that with the utmost doubt, may be able to pull it off on road courses but no way on the oval. Why would I want to watch a race where they should be doing 215 into the corners at Michigan but they only do 100, yeah thats real awesome