Is this Jalopnik or Jezebel, Im so confused
Is this Jalopnik or Jezebel, Im so confused
Lets not forget the sinkhole and the Ballpark in Arlington
Ive got a 13 month old boy that breaks out into a hysterical cry every time he hears the word no, 99% of the time we are telling the dogs no, not him,but it doesnt matter, he loses it. Im so screwed right?
Isnt this just another form of age discrimination? you are too old and make too much so bye bye while they post jobs online
My boy turned 1 today, and reading this took me back to last year, after he was born, for the 1st 30 minutes he was fine. Then he wasnt, his sugars were off, his bp was off, things were not good, but I was in the daze of OMG, I have a kid and OMG you said "what" is wrong. He spent 17 days in the NICU, we met some of…
Well that entire generation of Royals fan got to watch the Roayls win a World Series and watch the likes of George Brett play in 3 different decades. It could have been a lot worse right Rangers fans
did you see all the racist tweets at him. What is wrong with people
Why not just put breath interlock devices on all vehicles? Oh thats right, there goes a large portion of revenue to the city/state and DWI lawyers are out of work and DWI courts wont be needed. See where this is going, they need DWI laws, not for our safety per se, but the $$$$
In response to your finance fleecing, this is why I always go to my credit union or bank and get preapproved financing. Then I can walk into the dealer knowing what I can spend and what im paying. Takes all the unknowns out of the finance guys hands, you now control the deal. I dont ever tell them up front either. …
As a person who goes on 9 hr Blackjack binges, I can attest its not about the money, granted winning makes the long sessions way more fun but I just want to play. I take the wife to the casino a couple times a year, sometime Vegas, sometimes Shreveport. I will gamble on and do whatever she wants all day but when its…
In other soccer news, according to Gus Johnson, Wigan have a new keeper, some guy name Joel, I thought it was Jo el
I dont care that he forgets sometimes that he plays central D, I hate that he forgets he needs to be on the pitch and makes terrible tackles resulting in cards
How do you approach a co-worker that refuses to use the urinal to piss and also cant hit the toilet and leaves his pee sprinkles on the seat. Both urinals could be open and he will take the last stall and spray everywhere leaving me or other co-workers to clean the mess before we take our afternoon dumps
Allow a woman to take the wheel....
once we had our kid last year the wife spent 9 months sleeping on the other room. She recently began sleeping back in our room and damn it sucks. I too enjoy leaving the TV on until the wee hours of the morning and lying diagonal and snoring my ass off and I forgot how blissful that was until she came back last month
yeah, I hear ya. Didnt mean for "you" to mean you specifically, but us as people in general
well regardless of this bill you should be paying taxes. If they dont charge sales tax, you are legally obligated to pay Use tax to your state when you receive the item. Most states dont pursue you though, and most people wont report/pay it, which is why lots of states are trying to tax online purchases now,…
shit and idiots like this, give us law abiding normal street tuner drivers really shitty reputations.
Its been a pretty shitty year of news, lots of big tragedies from Newtown to West, Im glad my kid is only 1, I dont have tell him shit. But its made for a good discussion between the wife and I about how we would want to handle that situation when it comes. Glad I have 5 more years before I have to start having that…