
How much for an ambulance?

Don’t forget Cleveland!

You can definitely tell that he doesn’t want to be here and is only here because dad demanded he come. In another post, I mentioned how these kids are emotionally abused. I just wonder what kind of life these kids have outside of basketball. I wonder if they are allowed to go out with friends or if they might hurt the

Just wondering how long it is before we learn that Lavar has done one (or both) of the following:

If you haven’t heard, mom is in the hospital since she had a stroke back in February. He won’t let the boys see her because it might hurt their “brand.”

That is actually a good idea! We have tested individual games in Mexico City, London, etc. Now, we could see how an area would support a team for an entire season, instead of just one game.

I realize that, but they are still competitors with their ride services. Jalopnik/Gawker Media are just trying to help out their advertiser by continually posting articles slamming Uber, whether they are truly an issue or not. 

What a shocker....

It is called taking care of your advertisers. Lyft is an advertiser with this blog. Since Uber isn’t, then they are the ones that they target all of the time.

Wow! And she was only driving a CRV!

3rd Gear:

This is to put more money in the State of Utah’s coffers, possibly even MADD.

That is a deer....

Totally agree! My daughter is into this and watches it on Netflix. I haven’t watched an entire episode, but caught portions. There are several times that I have laughed out loud myself. I love how they really make fun of themselves! 

We understand. You guys don’t like Uber. I am sure that it has nothing to do with the fact that I see ads on here all of the time for Lyft.


So how long until we hear about the lawsuit from the excavation company due to failure to pay them?

Sad to see, but totally understandable. Kmart used to be the place to go. Every Friday night, my family would go eat and then go shopping at Kmart. They would leave me in the toy section while they shopped. I always got a new Hot Wheel each time. That is when it was safe to leave your kids alone.

Sounds familiar with my wife. I can’t stand getting in her car because she leaves papers everywhere in it, along with fast food bags. Now, she is trying to do the same to my truck!

You may very well have everyone of us on here wondering if something can mysteriously happen to you so that they can take your wife!