
Please stop! I live in North Fort Worth and the traffic is bad enough already! Don’t need any more people moving here.

I truly hope also that he can get the help he needs. The issue is that his parents and many others have been enabling him all of this time because it meant more money and fame.

The first red car on the left is the Manta Montage. A lot of people are familiar with it being used as the “Cody Coyote” from the old TV show “Hardcastle and McCormick.”

Longtime NASCAR fan here. Going on about 35 years or so. I already made the decision before last season to finally give up on NASCAR. I didn’t watch any races and just got updates online about who won.

Sounds a little fishy to me. You have all of that artwork in the trailer and you don’t spend a few bucks to buy a lock for the trailer tongue or at least put chains through the wheels?

What people don’t realize is that MADD, along with your local PD and DA, makes money off of DWIs. I used to work for a well-known DWI attorney. MADD has the counties require everyone who gets a DWI to attend a Victim Impact Panel put on by MADD. They must pay to attend this event where they have speakers talk about

Absolutely right. It would be Notre Dame, but at least ND has some year-end Top 10 rankings and National Championships to speak of.

Glad to see that Francois Hollande has the balls to call this what it truly is. He has already said that they are at war against ISIS and they are having a big Parliament meeting on Monday.

That would be nice to see NASCAR racing there. Unfortunately, though, I don’t see them getting off of the crappy cookie-cutter tracks that are mostly owned by the France family to do it. Also, I wonder if Eddie Gossage and everyone with Texas Motor Speedway would allow it to be done? As someone else mentioned earlier,

Apparently, it was a rough time this week for NASCAR transporters. Heard that one of Richard Petty’s got in an accident in Louisiana on Tuesday and they had to bring another one out to get everything here to Texas.

Since I have been purchasing my own vehicles, I have definitely been a Ford loyalist. I have owned two Ford Rangers, and also four F-150s. Wouldn’t even think of buying the crap from Dodge or Chevy, even though my wife tried to get me to look at them.

My BIL’s parents got hit by this scam. They had already gone down and gotten the cards loaded. The only thing that saved them is that my BIL was on one line with his father and overheard his mother talking to the scammers.

Any one of the stupid fees that Spirit Airlines charges!

Yeah, just look at Deion Sanders and Prime Prep. This is a prime example of this.

So all along I was thinking that you had to make great contributions to your community to get both a park and a street named after you. Apparently in Prairie View you only have to get arrested and hang yourself while in jail.

This movie is even funnier in German. Went to Germany a few years ago and got to the first hotel. Was flipping through the channels and this was on. Was very interesting to hear them all in German!

You would definitely get there fast as long as you didn’t have to turn!

So is this supposed to be impressive? They are only going from Connecticut to Pennsylvania.

So was this Challenger owned by Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner?

Please! I am a Republican and I will readily admit that this is the absolute last person that we need in the White House. He would throw an absolute temper tantrum anytime that some world leader doesn’t let him get his way.