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You find the biggest, baddest-looking Muscovite you can find and smack him/her across the face. While they recovery, quickly pull out two open bottles of vodka, offer one to the Muscovite, and both chug down the bottles as fast as you can. If you can keep up, you will be welcomed as a friend.

Bring a geiger counter with you at every meal. 

Do not ask for hookers to pee on you and stuff cos you might end up owing favours to your new bosses. 

Tip 1: never attack Moscow in the winter.

I just wish Obama would stop dividing this country.

it’s time the blacks dropped their African s*** and become Americans and yes I had these discussions with my black friends

At least we can all agree that race is no longer an issue.  

You buried the drug lede on the Pollan book, he smokes frog venom (which is as far as I currently am in the book). That said, it’s a fascinating read, especially the parts detailing his personal experiences.

I hope every restaurant in town figures out who this was. May you spend your evenings eating a peanut butter sandwich over the sink.

Jose Grinda is perhaps the most famous and effective top prosecutor in Europe; has been for years. If he's helping out Mueller
with the case against Torshin and Donald Jr, they better worry.

“Dave Thomas called homos “fairies” for years, and I’m the one getting in trouble here?! Where I grew up, if you had a queer kid on your block you would just tie them to the back of a pick up truck and have us a good ole fashioned fa-

“Papa John Has Regrets.”

I was really hoping that they would be able to havemore historical Scottish style protest against Trump:

Nobody will ever face any real consequences for this.

Of course they won’t face any consequences -- they endorsed a pedophile in Alabama and everyone was upset for about 20 minutes before the next inexcusable GOP scandal erupted. This is what we now call “Par for the course”.

Oh God please don’t say that.

“The most dominant theme of the correspondence seemed to be “Motherfucker I can’t wait to have an excuse to kill you,”

You’re suggesting a former President had oversight of a local water system? Maybe civics isn’t your strong suit.

They’re all operating under the hope that “If I laugh at the bully’s jokes, maybe the bully won’t pick on me when he finally shoots up the place.” You’d think otherwise intelligent and nerdy people at the WaPo would realize that we have to stand up to bullies.

Well that didn’t take long. Nope, these assholes do not deserve any respect. Imagine being as stupid as the editorial board for the Washington Post, that you actually think that Nazis and racists should be treated with dignity and respect, that they shouldn’t be punished for the hateful things they do.