
I love how using “this guy has accepted Jesus as his personal savior” is thought to be a reasonable defense, but “this guy is encouraged by his invisible friend who lives in a trash can in the backyard” isn’t. They’re both pretty much the same thing, just one you can go to church with other people who have the same

Since when does accusing someone of having a massive dong get considered derogatory?

The Ramones could barely play and their music is better than all the jazz ever created.

He should talk to more people.

A lot of people also confuse being “good” with being technically proficient. Somebody like Steve Vai could play circles around Keith Richards, but Richards is a better guitarist to me because he writes good riffs and plays them in a way that makes me feel stuff. Aimless meedley meedlies may be harder to play, but

Those Beatles anecdotes are utterly full of shit.

Ringo might not be the most exciting drummer ever, but he had an impeccable sense of rhythm and timing, and I remember reading about someone going back and listening to all of the raw Beatles recordings (not the albums but the original tapes with the bad takes and all)

Yeah yeah, you produced “We Are The World”. I don’t wanna hear it.

Yeah, we invaded and annexed Mexico in 1836, and we’ve seized and held part of Cuba illegally since 1959 and been using that as a torture camp. Our moral high ground is pretty sketchy there.

Yeah, except the Chesapeake isn’t international waters, and we haven’t recently annexed Mexico in a sham referendum. So not quite the same thing.

Maybe... once a year? Could you manage it once I year? I’m not saying I’m about to do it but also she’s not telling you to do it every day.

I call #7 happy butt crack dude.

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My favorite was the big family all wearing Vikes jerseys screaming while you hear a guy int he background screaming “OH MY GAWD” repeated for like a full minute.

I’m not a Vikings fan, but I am finding so much joy in watching these videos. This is some contagious happiness.

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You and I just witnessed the results of Drew selling his soul.

From a friend who is far more eloquent than I:

I was called monkey lips by some white boys back in grade school. I simply said, “Monkeys don’t have lips. Just like you don’t have lips. Monkeys are hairy. Just like you people are hairy. Monkeys have long ears. Just like you have long ears when you get old. You’re the monkey white boy.” I’m still proud of myself for

Dotard Nation believes he’s “smart” because he says he is, that’s all.