
So many butthurt/snob comments on this article it's disgusting. We didn't see any gameplay, we saw one environnement, no idea what the story is about, but oh wait, everyone on here is an omniscient god who can predict anything and everything, see through any smoke and mirrors with special cynical specs.
Gosh darn, why


Quick, somebody call 911 because there is a 4th degree burn here.

Kotaku...talking about good web design and user interface?

and then everyone will be surprised when the dude who is giving out supplies ups and guns em down



I think it's on the list because it's one of Tina's top 10 games of 2013.

It's there because this is Tina's list.

I highly anticipate the new video hosting start up that will gain popularity next year that will completely imitate Youtube in every way except for this one.

If you're looking for a "Why", you're probably in the wrong place. When it comes to installing betas and trying new software, Lifehacker tends to have more of a "Why not?" approach.

Because it's a reboot, and not a reskin of the originals?

Did anybody play Borderlands for the story?



Oh god, it's like they're made of helium or something.

Oh hell yeah! That's pretty damn awesome!