
Hey have drones for that now.

This is rather one-sided. I am a cutter monster. However, I have good reasons. My mind is just fine with remembering where everything was used. For me the last used place is the first place I look and it works. But start putting things away and I get confused. Things aren't connected to where I used it last, they are

Sugru will help you create a more robust connector.

I never bought a sword or armor o anything because these were not central to the story. before, I was upgrading and opening shops. Maybe it's the revised combat controls, I don't know, but after losing my equipment, I only used the hidden blade or hand axe for the rest of the game. Which means that's value I paid for

I've done this. Fortunately the dude hose car I did it to thought I was joking. (Ford Aspire) And since it was an Apire, he didn't give 2 shits. He was amazed that it worked. However he was left with 2 dents, not one, but they were much smaller so he was happy. I do recommend breaking out the Vaseline and applying

Not advice - but what I would do is cash it. Invest it maybe in to some low risk stuff maybe a CD or T-Bills, then wait seven years to spend it. In the mean time you can get return on it, and if the IRS asks for it back you can give it to them. However I am not sure what the interest rules are for money they sent you

'Fucktarred' as I will call him F'd and tarred the company true to his name. I was very happily working away at a small company (~30 emps, 5yrs old) for a year where I was eclipsing everyone including my boss. Which is normally a bad thing but he was the owner (but not CEO) and we got along great. In fact, I shared

Do you know what WD-40 is? It's Water Displacement (WD) formula 40. Which is fish oil. That's all. Spray-can fish oil.

Not entirely correct. Weight is zero sum when figuring a round-trip, since the engine only has to do whatever work needed for vertical displacement. In a round-trip that is zero. Drag is the large constant, drive-train inefficiencies are moot. Since the advent of the lock-up transmission eliminates the viscous

Bah, this was meant to be a reply to someone else, but gawker doesn't have a delete button.

edited heavily: Why don't you give us real advice rather than coming out swinging at us for being a socially inept idiot? You could have said: 1) Don't stress it. Stress on your part makes everyone uncomfortable. 2) Be polite and funny. 3) Don't stress it. You've seen this person for a few minutes, and you were fine

See the Carnot cycle for thermodynamic efficiency and this picture. Basically, the most we could ever get is 60mpg due to diminishing returns. At 45mpg you are basically "there". Already, a substantial fuel cost is driving style. The best improvements will be had when computers drive cars instead of gluttonous humans.

The original Horde: Space Herpes (Ice Pirates, 1984)

Anyone would break down on repeated rejection after rejection. If everyone told you you were fat, you'd develop a fat complex. Except fat is a lifestyle choice. You can do something about being fat. Height, there is no way. You can even get plastic surgery to fix ugly, but the bone lengthening procedure is

Flacco tied some, (11tds, 0 int) but mostly post-season records. Jones was a close 2nd, but Flacco's post season deep ball is only beat by Unitas. There's also one about him going to the playoffs all 5 times he's been in the league. Joe claimed he was elite and he finally got to show them. That's why he got MVP.

Ah, but what created the attitude? Clearly, rejection had to come first. One is not born with that observation. It's created over time.

Well, thank you. :-) If you're in town I'll totally buy you a drink.

Um, no you can't. The Android graphics stack is not X compatible.

Well by "real" I meant "real". Not something created specifically for a phone. All the software packages for Ubuntu are available. Want OpenOffice on it? Sure! GIMP? sure! Inkscape? Sure!

Also, when the Ubuntu Phone SDK comes out in March, you can swap your Android OS for a real one.