She’s from the same island as my family. I’ve only seen her once and she was a fierce angel, even swimming with the sea turtles. I could never rock any of these clothes but you do you, Robz, and get paid while you do it!
She’s from the same island as my family. I’ve only seen her once and she was a fierce angel, even swimming with the sea turtles. I could never rock any of these clothes but you do you, Robz, and get paid while you do it!
That’s a tweet from three years ago, so a little out of context, non?
I swing dance and so many people like to hug after a good dance. Uuuggghh no. You are so sweaty and I barely know you. Do NOT envelope me in your soggy embrace!
This is exactly what she uses! It’s been a permanent fixture of my life since childhood. I’ll admit to giving the oj a pump, just for nostalgia’s sake when I go home.
The island my family is from is one of the top 20 most obese nations in the world. Everyone there eats a lot of sugar and processed food, so really my mum’s Tang and frozen oj isn’t that surprising.
My mum still buys the cans of frozen oj and mixes them in one of those old-school jugs with the pump-handle for stirring. Not only that, she adds half a package of Tang to it “for flavour!”
I just read the new book about her life, Rosemary, and it was so terrifically sad. I appreciate that her siblings were inspired by her plight to change the way that developmentally delayed people were treated in the US, creating the Special Olympics and new laws. However, it doesn’t minimize what a horrific thing was…
Sometimes Bim isn’t much better than the US. I know a ton of people on the island who watch and believe everything that Fox News says. The majority of the rightwing posts that come across my FB feed are from Bajan friends.
Proud Bajan here too! Living in Canada, sadly.
My paternal grandfather is likely descended from “white slaves” in Barbados, where he (and much of my family) still lives. These people were called Ecky-Beckies, Poor Whites, or Redlegs. They weren’t actually all Irish, as these racist revisionists would have you believe, but more often Scottish rebels, shipped off to…
As I mentioned in a different reply, I’m working with her publisher right now as she refers to her as “Peggy.” So that’s always an option?
I haven’t met her (#notblessed) but I am working with her publisher right now who refers to her as “Peggy” as in, “Oh you know, the last time Peggy came in the office we talked about...” at which point I was too busy swiveling my head looking for where they were hiding Peggy to listen to what she was saying.
It’s because I am a Jez lurker, living the grey life. I read pretty much everything but rarely contribute.
Replying to myself to add that I used to be one of those women who compulsively worried that she was pregnant, even if I hadn’t had sex that month, so knowing with 99.9% certainty that I wasn’t preggers was a huge boon. However, that anxiety switched over to worrying that I had contracted an STI that I wasn’t aware of…
Not in an attempt to convince someone not to get one (because heaven knows, they have worked so well for a ton of the women I know) but I am actually getting my Mirena out today after only two years. My periods never “dried up” like so many others’ do, instead shifting over to an illogical menstrual cycle (20-56 days,…
My friend, Gracey Dove, plays Leo’s wife in this film! She’s Canadian First Nations (Canim Lake Indian Band) and is so lovely and talented. I’m very glad the director cast an actual First Nations person rather than dressing a white woman up in feathers and face paint *cough*Rooney Mara in Pan*cough*
Mine is Holly Commonwealth and it makes me feel like I would be a posh British pornstar. The Victoria Beckham of the XXX world.