
Anarchy Reigns wasn't an isometric view of the whole area and lacked the verticality and stage variation that Power Stone had. It was pretty much just Mad World: The Fighter

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A lot of his problems would've been solved if he had used different buttons for the different grabbers and added an ability to, you know, steer.

You must work in a really laid back store. We don't do the double-back guarantee unless it's asked for and a receipt is definitely required for returns.

'Lucked out' means to get lucky in the US, it sounds like your friends were unlucky for dying.

Okay, so Kanye West came up with a game when he was 12 where a giant penis would die if it ever touched a flying vagina, and if the penis was looking at the vagina, the vagina would hide but when it looked away, the vagina would hover ominously towards him? Okay.

The one cool thing about the Vikings, their helmets having viking horns on them instead of the team logo, and you don't want them to have it? That's harsh.

Because two people being able to go through doors and collecting items is silly.

The list up there is for Rebirth. The video is for a side project being done on the original game.

Why can't it be both?

It's not a 50 dollar gift certificate, it's just a coupon to buy a different console.

Took me a few weeks to beat one so I dunno, seems worth it.

All but seven are genderless and all but one are sterile (Only Manaphy can breed in a Pokemon Day Care and even then it only produces Phione.)

Weird your boss gets upset when you watch Youtube but not about commenting on Kotaku.


The issue is making the one way mirror blue. Pigment will just make a one way mirror a zero way blue sheet.

Luma's spawn time has increased from 8 seconds to 13 seconds. If nothing else, that's an extra 5 seconds of beat up Rosalina time.

You could say the same thing about Metal Face, then.