
Someone doesn't understand sarcasm.

No shit, way to read into sarcasm

It isn't even what Cavill said. He just said "You can't pause World of Warcraft." He didn't say anything about almost losing the part. As a matter of fact, he CALLED BACK. Meaning he didn't answer the phone call. Did he lose the part? Obviously not.

Exactly. This article is nonsense. "He almost lost the role!" No, he didn't. The article SHOULD be titled, "Henry Cavill plays World of Warcraft" and that's it. These sensationalized click-bait article headlines are really getting on my nerves.

When a director has your cell phone number and calls you to offer you a role in a movie, if you don't pick up the first time, he'll automatically assume you don't want it. You better bring your cell phone into the bathroom, or the shower, or else they might offer it to someone else.

This is nonsense.

The article shouldn't exist at all, is my point. If it really were an easter egg, yeah, it should be left out of the title and the gigantic youtube embed frame. But it isn't.

And that's precisely what makes this NOT an easter egg. It's not hidden. It's just a mission.

"GameFront walks us through how to access this easter egg"

Video details the painstaking process of walking up to a mission terminal and accepting a mission.

Since when is a mission available to everyone in the game an 'easter egg'? It's just a reference.

He's not using it to play a game, the Louvre provides 3DSes as guides to the gallery.

General Franky looks incredibly powerful, just as I'd expect.

Keep reading the conversation thread, my friend.

Even then, though, it's not a single professionally kept database. It makes sense to charge people to enter their high scores. They wait until they have a good one, the cheaters don't submit theirs because it'll cost them money, blah blah. Now, don't take this as "I really like Twin Galaxies" because I think they're a

Neither of you watched all three ads. There was another mom in the third one. You took a stance without knowing anything about the argument. Way to go. Also, your screen name blows.

If you were presented with a room full of people and only one of them was a woman, why would you say "that black woman" unless you have some sort of race issue? It's as simple as that. He didn't say it to differentiate her from any other women (And he specifically called the white boy just a 'boy' even though there's

So it would be more appropriate to have 100% white families? How do you know the producer is white? Why would people consider a series of advertisements racist if it doesn't have black people in it? Seriously, man. Issues.

I'm sorry, I must've missed the part where you had a legitimate excuse. What's a "typical token black family"? You got some issues to work through, man.

Actually, 'upgrade' is exactly what Nintendo is calling it in this campaign.

Also, why did you say 'black mom' but just 'boy'? Why not 'white boy'? Weird-ass word choice, given that there's no other mom to differentiate from, but there ARE two different boys.

The 3D is part of that immersion.