Anyone who thinks BvS was a remotely good movie has shitty taste in movies. Straight up bad. Taking the super hero fandom out of it, it was simply an atrocious fucking movie from beginning to end.
Anyone who thinks BvS was a remotely good movie has shitty taste in movies. Straight up bad. Taking the super hero fandom out of it, it was simply an atrocious fucking movie from beginning to end.
it’s more important that facts are heard rather than uninformed opinions, and if you disagree you are a dangerous idiot who should not reproduce.
No, the “voices” that were “silenced” would belong the 10 infants who died from pertussis in California, my home state, in 2010, because they were too young to be vaccinated and herd immunity failed because people’s “personal beliefs” allowed the disease to slop onto the lives of others - oops, that’s “lives” as in…
This week a new Pokémon Center opens in Kyoto. At first glance it looks like any other Pokémon Center that dots…
No, most people play nice. ESPECIALLY as they gain DZ levels, as going rogue will pretty much destroy your DZ rank. It’s way more tense for lower levels, where getting bumped from level 7 to level 6 or 5 isn’t a problem, but if you’re lvl 30 and get booted down to 25, you suddenly can’t use a lot of your DZ gear.…
No no no no the best thing the Division did that Destiny didn’t is Matchmaking! Matchmaking for every missions even the challenge mode. Now that take Destiny who said that people can’t do challenge (aka “raid”) with random players.
Untill you realize that there’s a large audience out there that isn’t particularly thrilled to be looking at oversexualized ladies in skimpy dress - but actually would be quite pleased with seeing some visually appealing guys instead.
Posted this in reply to someone else before realizing it seems no one else has posted about them. Reposting and editing a bit:
Posted this in reply to someone else before realizing it seems no one else has posted about them. Reposting and…
For Xbox one gaming, I use the Turtlebeach X420 Stealths. My puppy ate my wired Turtlebeach cord, and I was mad I couldn’t just swap wires, so I went with these. Thy have independent volume for chat and game, 4 preset sound enhancements, mute button of course, and even a line in for using them as normal headphones…
For Xbox one gaming, I use the Turtlebeach X420 Stealths. My puppy ate my wired Turtlebeach cord, and I was mad I…
Half Life 3 confirmed.
Ah thanks very much for explaining!
I can see Nicki in her dressing room in Angola muttering to herself:
except Fallout 4 was the best game in the series in my opinion, so suck it with your negativity.
I used to get pissed off about overused jokes like you, but then I took an arrow to the knee.
For me it comes down to one point: Did the author specifically ask whether she could bring the baby? If she did, then sentencing her to a breastfeeding room without warning is a jerk move on the part of the organizer, no question.
Now THAT is how you review a game like Destiny. Bravo Kirk!
He never raised the cursed thorn - Prolly because by that time it was nerfed to hell and wasn’t upgraded to year two